Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies

Group leaderProf Christian Fuchs
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Digitale Demagogie: Autoritärer Kapitalismus in Zeiten von Trump und Twitter


Fuchs, Christian 2018. Digitale Demagogie: Autoritärer Kapitalismus in Zeiten von Trump und Twitter. Hamburg VSA.

Towards A Critical Theory of Communication with Georg Lukács and Lucien Goldmann


Fuchs, Christian 2018. Towards A Critical Theory of Communication with Georg Lukács and Lucien Goldmann. Javnost / The Public. 25 (3), pp. 265-281. https://doi.org/10.1080/13183222.2018.1463032

Social Media and the Capitalist Crisis

Book chapter

Fuchs, Christian 2018. Social Media and the Capitalist Crisis. in: Basu, L., Schifferes, S. and Knowles, S. (ed.) The Media and Austerity: Comparative Perspectives Abingdon, Oxon Routledge. pp. 211-225

Authoritarian capitalism, authoritarian movements and authoritarian communication


Fuchs, Christian 2018. Authoritarian capitalism, authoritarian movements and authoritarian communication. Media, Culture & Society. 40 (5), pp. 779-791. https://doi.org/10.1177/0163443718772147

Postface: Horst Holzer’s "Communication & Society: A Critical Political Economy Perspective"


Fuchs, Christian 2018. Postface: Horst Holzer’s "Communication & Society: A Critical Political Economy Perspective" . tripleC. 16 (1), pp. 398-401.

"Dear Mr. Neo-Nazi, Can You Please Give Me Your Informed Consent So That I Can Quote Your Fascist Tweet?": Questions of Social Media Research Ethics in Online Ideology Critique

Book chapter

Fuchs, Christian 2018. "Dear Mr. Neo-Nazi, Can You Please Give Me Your Informed Consent So That I Can Quote Your Fascist Tweet?": Questions of Social Media Research Ethics in Online Ideology Critique. in: Meikle, G. (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Media and Activism Abingdon Routledge. pp. 385-394

Ferments in the Field: Introductory Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of Communication Studies

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian and Qiu, Jack 2018. Ferments in the Field: Introductory Reflections on the Past, Present and Future of Communication Studies. Journal of Communication. 68 (2), pp. 219-232. https://doi.org/10.1093/joc/jqy008

Ferments in the Field: The Past, Present and Future of Communication Studies (Special issue). Journal of Communication 68 (2): 219-451


Fuchs, Christian and Qiu, Jack (ed.) 2018. Ferments in the Field: The Past, Present and Future of Communication Studies (Special issue). Journal of Communication 68 (2): 219-451. Wiley.

Why There Are Certain Parallels Between Joachim C. Fest's Hitler-Biography and Michael Wolff's Trump-Book


Fuchs, Christian 2018. Why There Are Certain Parallels Between Joachim C. Fest's Hitler-Biography and Michael Wolff's Trump-Book. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. 16 (1), pp. 260-263.

Industry 4.0: The Digital German Ideology


Fuchs, Christian 2018. Industry 4.0: The Digital German Ideology. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. 16 (1), pp. 280-289.

Digital Demagogue: Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and Twitter


Fuchs, Christian 2018. Digital Demagogue: Authoritarian Capitalism in the Age of Trump and Twitter. London Pluto Press.

Nationalism 2.0: The Making of Brexit on Social Media


Fuchs, Christian 2018. Nationalism 2.0: The Making of Brexit on Social Media. London Pluto Press.

Capitalism, Patriarchy, Slavery, and Racism in the Age of Digital Capitalism and Digital Labour

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2018. Capitalism, Patriarchy, Slavery, and Racism in the Age of Digital Capitalism and Digital Labour. Critical Sociology. 44 (4-5), pp. 677-702. https://doi.org/10.1177/0896920517691108

Fascism 2.0: Twitter Users’ Social Media Memories of Hitler on his 127th Birthday

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2017. Fascism 2.0: Twitter Users’ Social Media Memories of Hitler on his 127th Birthday. Fascism: Journal of Comparative Fascist Studies. 6 (2), pp. 228-263. https://doi.org/10.1163/22116257-00602004

Written Evidence Submitted to the House of Commons-Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee’s Inquiry on Fake News


Fuchs, Christian 2017. Written Evidence Submitted to the House of Commons-Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee’s Inquiry on Fake News.

Towards the Public Service Internet as Alternative to the Commercial Internet


Fuchs, Christian 2017. Towards the Public Service Internet as Alternative to the Commercial Internet. ORF Texte. 20, pp. 43-50.

Raymond Williams’ Communicative Materialism

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2017. Raymond Williams’ Communicative Materialism. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 20 (6), pp. 744-762. https://doi.org/10.1177/1367549417732998

Preface: Horst Holzer’s Theory of Communication


Fuchs, Christian 2017. Preface: Horst Holzer’s Theory of Communication . tripleC. 15 (2), pp. 686-706.

The Relevance of Franz L. Neumann’s Critical Theory in 2017: "Anxiety and Politics" in the New Age of Authoritarian Capitalism


Fuchs, Christian 2017. The Relevance of Franz L. Neumann’s Critical Theory in 2017: "Anxiety and Politics" in the New Age of Authoritarian Capitalism. tripleC. 15 (2), pp. 637-650.

Günther Anders’ Undiscovered Critical Theory of Technology in the Age of Big Data Capitalism


Fuchs, Christian 2017. Günther Anders’ Undiscovered Critical Theory of Technology in the Age of Big Data Capitalism. tripleC. 15 (2), pp. 584-613.

Die Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie der Medien/Kommunikation: ein hochaktueller Ansatz

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2017. Die Kritik der Politischen Ökonomie der Medien/Kommunikation: ein hochaktueller Ansatz. Publizistik. 62 (3), pp. 255-272. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11616-017-0341-9

Information Technology and Sustainability in the Information Society


Fuchs, Christian 2017. Information Technology and Sustainability in the Information Society. International Journal of Communication. 11, pp. 2431-2461.

Social media: a critical introduction (2nd edition)


Fuchs, Christian 2017. Social media: a critical introduction (2nd edition). London Sage.

The Praxis School’s Marxist Humanism and Mihailo Marković’s Theory of Communication

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2017. The Praxis School’s Marxist Humanism and Mihailo Marković’s Theory of Communication. Critique. 45 (1-2), pp. 159-182. https://doi.org/10.1080/03017605.2016.1268456

What is to Be Done? The Role of the New and the Old in Media Theory – The Moment for Critical Digital and Social Media Studies

Digital or visual media

Fuchs, Christian 2017. What is to Be Done? The Role of the New and the Old in Media Theory – The Moment for Critical Digital and Social Media Studies . http://www.westminsterpapers.org/articles/10.16997/wpcc.253/

Donald Trump: A Critical Theory-Perspective on Authoritarian Capitalism


Fuchs, Christian 2017. Donald Trump: A Critical Theory-Perspective on Authoritarian Capitalism. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. 15 (1), pp. 1-72.

From digital positivism and administrative big data analytics towards critical digital and social media research!

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2017. From digital positivism and administrative big data analytics towards critical digital and social media research! European Journal of Communication. 32 (1), pp. 37-49. https://doi.org/10.1177/0267323116682804

Critical Social Theory and Sustainable Development: The Role of Class, Capitalism and Domination in a Dialectical Analysis of Un/Sustainability

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2017. Critical Social Theory and Sustainable Development: The Role of Class, Capitalism and Domination in a Dialectical Analysis of Un/Sustainability . Sustainable Development. 25 (5), pp. 443-458. https://doi.org/10.1002/sd.1673

Marx’s "Capital"in the Information Age

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2017. Marx’s "Capital"in the Information Age. Capital & Class. 41 (1), pp. 51-67. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309816816678573

Sustainability and Community Networks

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2017. Sustainability and Community Networks. Telematics and Informatics. 34 (2), pp. 628-639. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tele.2016.10.003

Critical Theory

Book chapter

Fuchs, Christian 2016. Critical Theory. in: Bruhn Jensen, Klaus and Craig, Robert (ed.) International encyclopedia of communication theory and philosophy Wiley.

Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet


Fuchs, Christian 2016. Critical Theory of Communication: New Readings of Lukács, Adorno, Marcuse, Honneth and Habermas in the Age of the Internet. London University of Westminster Press.

Red Scare 2.0: User-Generated Ideology in the Age of Jeremy Corbyn and Social Media

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian 2016. Red Scare 2.0: User-Generated Ideology in the Age of Jeremy Corbyn and Social Media. Journal of Language and Politics . 15 (4), pp. 369-398. https://doi.org/10.1075/jlp.15.4.01fuc

Racism, nationalism and right-wing extremism online: The Austrian Presidential Election 2016 on Facebook


Fuchs, Christian 2016. Racism, nationalism and right-wing extremism online: The Austrian Presidential Election 2016 on Facebook. Momentum Quarterly . 5 (3), pp. 172-196.

Information ethics in the age of digital labour and the surveillance-industrial complex

Book chapter

Fuchs, Christian 2016. Information ethics in the age of digital labour and the surveillance-industrial complex. in: Kelly, M. and Bielby, J. (ed.) Information cultures in the digital age: A Festschrift in honor of Rafael Capurro Wiesbaden Springer. pp. 173-190

Internet Surveillance after Snowden: A Critical Empirical Study of Computer Experts' Attitudes on Commercial and State Surveillance of the Internet and Social Media post-Edward Snowden

Journal article

Fuchs, Christian and Trottier, D. 2016. Internet Surveillance after Snowden: A Critical Empirical Study of Computer Experts' Attitudes on Commercial and State Surveillance of the Internet and Social Media post-Edward Snowden. Journal of Information, Communication & Ethics in Society. 15 (4), pp. 412-444. https://doi.org/10.1108/JICES-01-2016-0004

Critical theory of communication as critical sociology of critique in the age of digital capitalism: A response to Jan Løhmann Stephensen's review essay on Culture and Economy in the Age of Social Media


Fuchs, Christian 2016. Critical theory of communication as critical sociology of critique in the age of digital capitalism: A response to Jan Løhmann Stephensen's review essay on Culture and Economy in the Age of Social Media. Conjunctions: Transdisciplinary Journal of Cultural Participation. 3 (1). https://doi.org/10.7146/tjcp.v3i1.23632

Henryk Grossmann 2.0: A Critique of Paul Mason’s Book “PostCapitalism: A Guide to Our Future“


Fuchs, Christian 2016. Henryk Grossmann 2.0: A Critique of Paul Mason’s Book “PostCapitalism: A Guide to Our Future“. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. 14 (1), pp. 232-243.

Neoliberalism in Britain


Fuchs, Christian 2016. Neoliberalism in Britain. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique . 14 (1), pp. 163-188.

Critical theory

Book chapter

Fuchs, Christian 2016. Critical theory. in: International encyclopedia of political communication Wiley.

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