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Flora, C., Karatsareas, P., Lytra, V. and Pepe, G. 2025. Beyond participants–researchers–research outsiders: food talk and the (co)construction of knowledge in multi-sited participatory ethnography. in: Alexandra Aikhenvald, Anne Storch and Viveka Velupillai (ed.) Language in Strange and Familiar Places: Linguistic Research in Uncharted Territories De Gruyter.
Karatsareas, P. 2025. περίττου σαν τους Έλληνες ‘more like the Greeks’: linguistic cleavages and authenticity in London’s Greek Cypriot diaspora. in: Hadodo, M., Karatsareas, P. and Ioannidoui, E. (ed.) Greek in minoritized contexts: identities, authenticities, and institutions London Routledge.
Karatsareas, P., Hadodo, M. J. and Ioannidou, E. 2024. Researching identities, authenticities, and institutions in minoritized settings: insights from diverse Greek-speaking communities. in: Hadodo, M. J., Karatsareas, P. and Ioannidou, E. (ed.) Greek in minoritized contexts: identities, authenticities, and institutions London Routledge.
Karatsareas, P. Forthcoming. Migration and diaspora. in: Chapelle, C. A. (ed.) The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics Wiley.
Karatsareas, P., Lytra, V. and Patiño-Santos, A. 2024. Reports from British Association for Applied Linguistics with Cambridge University Press Seminar 2024: Language and onward migration: Bridging applied linguistics with migration studies. Language Teaching. Advanced online publication.
Karatsareas, P. and Ndoci, R. 2024. Tracing trajectories of vulnerability in the biographical narratives of Albanian onward migrants from Greece in the UK. Language, Culture and Society. 6 (2), pp. 158-189.
Charalambidou, A., Flora, C., Karatsareas, P. and Lytra, V. 2024. Making and selling Greek food in London: migrant hospitality professionals talk about food authenticity over dinner. in: Alexandra Aikhenvald, Anne Storch and Viveka Velupillai (ed.) Language in Strange and Familiar Places De Gruyter.
Karatsareas, P. 2024. European immigrant languages. in: Fox, S. (ed.) Language in Britain and Ireland. 3rd edition Cambridge Cambridge University Press.
Hadodo, M. J., Karatsareas, P. and Ioannidou, E. (ed.) 2024. Greek in Minoritized Contexts: Identities, Authenticities, and Institutions. London Routledge.
Karatsareas, P. 2024. Determiner spreading. in: Giannakis, G. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online Brill.
Karatsareas, P. 2024. Animacy. in: Giannakis, G. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Greek Language and Linguistics Online Brill.
Linn, A. and Bezborodova, A. 2022. British Council (Uzbekistan) English Medium Instruction Project Impact Evaluation. Tashkent British Council.
Karatsareas, P. 2022. Semi-Structured Interviews. in: Kircher, R. and Zipp, L. (ed.) Research Methods in Language Attitudes Cambridge, UK Cambridge University Press. pp. 99-113