Dr Lucy Bond

Dr Lucy Bond

Doctoral ResearcherTitle of ThesisStatus
Mr Mark DavisThe notion of guardianship within the oeuvre of W. G. SebaldActive
Mr Max ShirleyThe Afterlives of Kathy Acker Active
Ms Linda MannheimBarbed Wire Fever: On Seeking and Providing Refuge (Creative Non-Fiction)Active
Mrs Charlene Sharp How do different kinds of contemporary Anglo-American storytelling engage audiences with the complexities of human / nonhuman and more-than-human relationships in the Anthropocene?Active
Mr Stuart FreedmanThe Palaces of Comfort and Consolation - The Pie and Mash shop as a performative space of a contested London working class memoryCompleted
Ms Alessandra PinoHunger and Meaning in the Novels of Cristina GarcĂ­aCompleted