Prof Abdelhafid Benamraoui

Abdelhafid Benamraoui is Professor of Finance and currently is serving as the Director of Employability for the School of Finance and Accounting. He is also a member of the University Academic Council and an Adviser for the PRESTige e-portfolio programme. His academic career spans across twenty-three years. During this period he has taken on a number of senior academic roles including Subject Area Leader, Director of Learning, Teaching & Quality Assurance, Course Leader and Director of Studies. He has also led a number of modules at undergraduate, postgraduate and executive levels. Abdelhafid has eight PhD completions, has acted as an External Examiner in a number of UK higher education institutions, and served in the editorial team and as a reviewer in a number of international peer reviewed academic journals.
Abdelhafid has a lengthy experience in course development and management. This includes MSc in Banking and Finance (Regents University) & BA Business Management (Finance), BSc Finance with Management and BSc Finance at the University of Westminster. He has received a number of awards in recognition of his excellence in course management and leadership.
In staff leadership, Abdelhafid has successfully managed and provided leadership to academic staff, contributing to their development within the subject area. Abdelhafid has also been a member of the senior executive group directly contributing to the school teaching and learning strategy and setting plans to improve the study curriculum and assessments.
Abdelhafid has published extensively. He has published 30 research articles in peer reviewed academic journals, a book and book chapter and has presented numerous research papers at national and international conferences. His research work has been recognised nationally and internationally, as demonstrated by his research papers’ citations, readership and impact on policymaking, both at institutional and government levels. His research expertise covers Islamic finance, corporate finance and value for money auditing.
His expertise in the area of Islamic banking and finance has made him participate in the discussion of the launch of Islamic Insurance and other financial products by Lloyds TSB in 2009. In March 2012 he was invited to participate in the Associate Parliamentary Group on Islamic Finance and Diversity in Financial Markets, House of Lords. Abdelhafid also participated in a TV debates and appeared in two occasions on Al-Mustakila TV in December 2014 and March 2016.
- PhD Banking and Finance, University of Greenwich, UK
- As prerequisite of the PhD programme Abdelhafid attended the MSc in International Banking and Finance
- Certificate of Proficiency in English for Academic Purposes, University College London, UK
- BSc Finance, University of Constantine, Algeria (With Distinction and Ranked as Best Student in the Business Degrees)
Previous Employment:
- Senior Lecturer in Finance, Westminster Business School (University of Westminster, UK) – 01/2006 to 03/2013
- Subject Leader in Accounting, Finance, Economics & Law, European Business School (Regents University, UK) – 05/2005 to 12/2005
- Lecturer in Accounting and Finance, European Business School (Regents University, UK) – 08/2003 to 04/2005
- Part-time Lecturer (University of Greenwich, UK) – 09/2000 to 07/2003
- Society for the Study of Emerging Markets
- Eurasia Business and Economics Society
- Participated in the Validation of an MBA programme (European Business School, 2005)
- Participated in the Validation of the MSc International Services Management and MA Global Business (University of Westminster, 2007)
- Participated in the Validation and Revalidation of BSc Finance with Management (now renamed as BSc Finance) (University of Westminster, 2009 and 2015)
- Participated in the Validation of MSc Finance, Banking and Insurance (University of Westminster, 2013)
- Moderator of the business modules delivered in the University of Westminster in Tashkent (Uzbekistan, 2006-2009).
- Internal Examiner of PhD thesis viva at the University of Westminster (2017).
- Advisor to the University of East London on BA (Hons) International Business Finance (1 Year Direct Entry to Level 3, 2011)
- External Examiner for the Manchester Metropolitan University (2012-2016).
- External Examiner at the Sheffield Hallam University covering postgraduate courses in finance (2013-2017).
- External Examiner of PhD thesis at the Caledonian Business School (2014) and Gloucester Business School (2015).
- External Examiner at Regents University covering MSc Finance study units (since October 2014).
Abdelhafid is a research active and his main areas of research interest are Islamic finance, banking and corporate finance. His papers are published in a number of high caliber refereed international academic journals including Journal of Banking Regulation, International Journal of Auditing, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research and Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting. He has also presented more than twenty-five research papers in national and international conferences. In 2012 he published a book chapter entitled “Commentary on Teaching and Supervising Islamic Finance Research Projects” in a book under the title of “Islamic Finance at Western higher Education Institutions: Overview and Prospects” by Palgrave MacMillan with contributors from prestigious business schools including Harvard Business School. In 2014 he also published a book by Edwin Mellen Press (New York).
Benamraoui has served in the editorial board of the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management from 2007 to 2019 and is in the editorial team of the Global Islamic Finance Magazine. From 2006 to 2008 Abdelhafid was the Chief Editor of the Westminster Service Sector Research Centre working papers series. He has also acted as an academic referee/reviewer for a number of international peer reviewed journals including Emerging Market Review; Economics Review; Applied Financial Economics; Islamic Accounting and Business Research; Review of Accounting and Finance; Journal of the Operational Research Society and Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance. Abdelhafid also acted as reviewer for two major international textbook reviews by Oxford Press and John Stuart Editorial respectively.
Abdelhafid has supervised seven PhD students to completion and he successfully completed the ‘Supervising Research Students’ training programme at the University of Westminster, which is counted as one successful PhD completion (Oct 2009 to Sep 2010). Currently Abdelhafid supervises two PhD students in the area of banking and finance as Director of Studies.
Externally, Abdelhafid served as an external examiner for 4 PhD theses and a DBA at the University of Southampton, University of East England, University of Gloucestershire and Glasgow Caledonian University. In recognition of his expertise in the area of finance Abdelhafid was invited as a reviewer for the QS World Rankings 2021 conducted by Quacquarelli Symonds. QS ranks all universities across the globe based on the quality of their research and impact in each discipline.
Abdelhafid has been awarded a large research grant from Qatar Foundation in which he is a Principal Invetsigator with a team from the University of Qatar and University of Westminster. The research project is on "Fintech, Financial Inclusion and Economic Transformation of Qatar" and the total research grant is £309,202.
Abdelhafid also received two internal research grants in the area of teaching and learning. In 2009 he received £9,500 with Jane Chang and Richard Pitts on how to develop students’ entrepreneurial skills and abilities through income generation projects. In 2011 he received another research grant of £2,000 on ‘Researching Students Views of GIS as Practice within the WBS’. Besides of the benefits brought into the student learning experience through these projects the grants were also resulted in the publication of two papers in 2* ABS ranked journals.
- Benamraoui, A., Moussa, T., Hussien Alsohagy, M., (2023). Islamic Banks' Sharia Compliance Disclosure: An International Evidence. Accounting Research Journal. Forthcoming.
- Benamraoui, A., Eleni Chatzivgeri, E., Jory, S.R., & Ajay, R. (2022). VfM Audit and the UK Public Sector: A Critical Review of the VfM Reports. Financial Accountability & Management.
- Benamraoui, A., Alwardat, Y., & Karbhari, Y. (2022). The UK Public Sector VfM Audit Expectations Gap: Evidence from the Informed Groups. International Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation, 18(1), pp. 61-81.
- Li, J., Benamraoui, A., Shah, N.S. and Mathew, S. (2021) Dynamic Capability and Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility Adoption: Evidence from China. Sustainability (SJR 0.621 = 2*). 13(10).
- Benamraoui, A. (2021). The World Economy and Islamic Economics in the Time of COVID-19. Journal of King Abdulaziz University: Islamic Economics, 34 (1), pp. 67-78.
- Aljandali, A. and Benamraoui, A. (2020). FinTech Innovations: A Review of the Recent Developments and Prospects. Bancaria, 12, pp. 85-95.
- Benamraoui, A., Boukrami, E., Dafgard, C., Karbhari, Y. (2020). An Empirical Investigation of the Regulatory and Non-Regulatory Challenges of the UK Islamic Retail Banking. Journal of Islamic Business and Management, 10(2), 303-322.
- Benamraoui, A., Surendranath, J., Mazouz, K., and Neeta, S. (2019). The Effects of Equity Blockholders Stock Ownership and Insider Seniority on Firm Value, Performance and Stock Return: Evidence from the USA. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance.
- Jory, S.R., Benamraoui, A., Christodoulou, I., and Ruiz-Alba Rovledo, J.L. (2018). Are Retailers “Bagging” the Carrier Bag Levy in England? An exploratory enquiry. Journal of Environmental Management, 233, 845-853.
- Benamraoui, A. (2018). A comparative study between the UK and the USA house price indicators before and during the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Journal of Financial Economic Policy, 10(4), 456-472.
- Abdul Rehman, A., Benamraoui, A., and Munir Dad, A. (2017). A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional Banks Risk Management Practices: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan. Journal of Banking Regulation, 1-14.
- Yin, S., Mazouz, K., Benamraoui, A., and Saadouni, B. (2017). Stock price reaction to profit warnings: the role of time-varying betas. Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 1-27.
- Jory, S. R., Benamraoui, A., Boojihawon, D. R., and O. Madichie, N. (2016).Net Present Value Analysis and the Wealth CreationProcess: A Case Illustration. The Accounting Educators Journal, XXVI, 85-99.
- Benamraoui, A., Wardat, Y., and Ashraf, U. (2016). Islamic Banking Regulation and the Role of the Sharia Board: The UK Case Study. Bancaria, 06(16).
- Benamraoui, A., Wardat, Y. and Rieple, A (2015). Value for Money and Audit Practice in the UK Public Sector. International Journal of Auditing, 19(3), 206-217.
- Chang, J., Benamraoui A., and Rieple, A. (2014) Stimulating Learning about Social Entrepreneurship through Income Generation Projects. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 20(5), pp. 417-432.
- Benamraoui, A and Alwardat Y A (2014). Value for Money and Audit Practice: Lessons and Facts from the Literature. Life Science Journal, 11(2), pp. 86-98.
- Benamraoui, A., Chang, J., and Rieple A. (2013). Learning-by-doing as an approach to teaching social entrepreneurship. Innovations in Education & Teaching International, pp, 1-13.
- Benamraoui, A. (2010). The Real Effect of the Recent Financial Crisis on the UK Housing Price Indicators. International Journal of Arts and Science, Vol.3 No. 13, pp. 255-266, ISSN: 1944-6934.
- Benamraoui, A., Çağlayan E., and Yaşgül S. (2010). The Financial Markets Interaction in the Periods of Crises: The Case of Turkey. Journal of Middle Eastern Finance and Economics, Issue 6, ISSN: 1450-2889, PP. 41-49.
- Benamraoui, A. (2008). Islamic Banking: The Case of Algeria. Interantional Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management, Vol. 1 No. 2, pp. 113-131, ISSN: 1753-8394.
Conference Research Papers
- Benamraoui, A. An Analysis of Foreign Banks Financial Performance in the UK. The paper is presented at the Business & Economics Society International (BESI) Conference, Lugano, July 2008.
- Wheale, Pand Benamraoui A. “Credit Crunch” and its Implications on the Mortgage Market. The Paper is presented at the 22nd Service Conference and Workshop, London, November 2008.
- Benamraoui, A. The Financial Effects of Liquidity Crisis on the USA and the UK Mortgage Markets, Eurasia Business and Economics Society International Conference, Istanbul, June 2009.
- Benamraoui, A. The real Effect of the Recent Financial Crisis on the UK Housing Price Indicators, The International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference for Academic Disciplines, 24-28 May, 2010, Toronto. Received Merit recognition for the paper presented.
- Benamraoui, A. Chang, J., and Pitts, R. Entrepreneurial Orientation of Learners in Generation of Funds through Experiential Learning. Higher Education Entrepreneurship Group Conference, London, June 2010.
- Benamraoui, A. House Price Indicators: A Comparative Study between the UK and the USA Mortgage Markets. International Finance and Banking Society Conference, Rome, June 2011.
- Benamraoui, A., Gough, O., Neeta S., and Mazouz. K The Effects of Equity Blockholders Stock Ownership and Insider Seniority on Firm Value, Performance and Stock Return: Evidence from the USA. International Finance and Banking Society, Valencia June 2012.
- Benamraoui, A., and Alwardat, Y. Regulations of Islamic Financial Contracts and the Role of the Sharia Supervisory Board: The UK Case Study. Finance and Economics Conference, Frankfurt June 2013.
- Benamraoui, A. Corporate Governance in Islam: What can we Learn? 5th International Conference on Business and Economics, Madrid, June 2014.
- Benamraoui, A., and Alwardat, Y. Asymmetric Information and Islamic Financial Contracts. 4thIslamic Banking and Finance Conference Organised by Lancaster University Management School, UK, June 2014.
- Benamraoui, A., Wardat, Y., and Shah, N. The institutionalisation of accounting reporting standard for pension: Evidence from NHS. WEI International Academic Conference, Prague, May 2015.
- Benamraoui, A. A Comparative Study between the UK and the USA House Price Indicators Before and During the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009. The Finance, Global Management, Economics & Information Technology Research Conference. New York, May 2016.
- Benamraoui, A., Boukrami, E., and Dafgard, C. Rethinking the Practice of the UK Islamic Retail Banking.42nd International Business Research Conference. Dubai, May 2017.
- Benamraoui, A. Process of Role aking: Sacred Compliance and Religious Assurance in Islamic Banks. International Conference for Business and Economics. Budapest, July 2018. Received certificate of excellence for a research paper presented
- Jory, S. R., Benamraoui, A., Tunahan, H. and Çitçi, U.S. A Critical Examination of Etihad Airways Equity Alliance Strategy using a Case Study Approach. 21st International Conference on Business, Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences. Oslo, June 2019. Best research presentation award (the presentation was by myself)
- Benamraoui, A., Malki, I., and Aljandali, A. Fintech, Financial Inclusion and Religiosity. Scientific Forum of the College of Business Studies for Finance Business, Kuwait, Nov 2020.
- Jing., L., Benamraoui, A., Mathew, S., and Shah, N. Antecedents of Adopting Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility. 11th Financial Markets and Corporate Governance Conference, Australia (Virtual Conference) April 2021.
- Benamraoui, A., Karbhari, Y., and Sheikh, A.A. Process of Role Taking: Sacred Compliance and Religious Assurance in Islamic Banks. Finance and Accounting Annual Symposium, London, June 2021. Received certificate of recognition and appreciation for the paper presented.
- Benamraoui, A., Malki, E., Jie Wen, J., and Shah, N. COVID19, Corporate Board Composition, Firm Financial Stability and Outcomes. Finance and Accounting Annual Symposium, London, June 2022
- Benamraoui A & Boukrami E. (2014) A History of the Algerian Banking Industry. The Edwin Mellen Press: New York.
Book Chapters
- Benamraoui A. (2012). Reflective Commentary on Teaching and Supervising Islamic Finance Research Projects. In Belouafi, A., Belbas, A., and Trullols, C, “Islamic Finance at Western Higher Education: Developments and Prospects”, pp 237–256. Palgrave MacMillan.