Prof Tom Buchanan

Prof Tom Buchanan

British Psychological Society working group on Internet Research Ethics

Member / 24 Jun 2020 - 01 Jun 2021

Peer reviewer / 01 Mar 2010 - ongoing

Doctoral ResearcherTitle of ThesisStatus
Mr Sanaa MehaboobDoctoral Research ProjectActive
Mr George FarmerVideo Games, Technology, and Psychological Well-being: Investigating Motivations for Media Use and their Impact on Psychological Health.Active
Mr Thomas DohertyUnderstanding Cognitive Variability in Alzheimer’s DiseaseCompleted
Mr James KempleyVulnerability to Online Political Misinformation: The Role of Non-clinical Schizotypal TraitsCompleted
Ms Laura JoynerWhy Do People Spread Disinformation on Social Media? The Role of Social Identity and Perceived Morality Completed
Mrs Irum Abbasi The Effect of Social Media Addiction on Romantic Relationship Outcomes: Factors Associated with Social Media AddictionCompleted
Mrs Deborah HusbandsMultiple Selves, Marginalised Voices: Exploring Black Female Psychology Students' Experiences of Constructing Identity in UK Higher EducationCompleted