The dilemma of intervention: human rights and the UN security council McClean, E. 2011. The dilemma of intervention: human rights and the UN security council. in: Odello, M. and Cavandoli, S. (ed.) Emerging areas of human rights in the 21st century: the role of the universal declaration of human rights Taylor & Francis. pp. 24-44
Human security as a critique of international law McClean, E. 2008. Human security as a critique of international law. Annual Conference of the British International Studies Association. Exeter University 15 - 17 Dec 2008
Human security and the dilemma of intervention McClean, E. 2008. Human security and the dilemma of intervention. Emerging Human Rights in the 21st Century: Sixty years after the UDHR. University of Aberstwyth 10 Dec 2008
Developing a UN human security framework McClean, E. 2008. Developing a UN human security framework. Annual Conference of the Academic Council for the United Nations System. Bonn, Germany 05 - 07 Jun 2008
The responsibility to protect: towards human security? McClean, E. 2007. The responsibility to protect: towards human security? International Law Association (British Branch) Spring Conference, "A More Secure World: Our Shared Responsibility: What is the role of International Law?". Sussex Law School, University of Sussex, Brighton 20 - 21 Apr 2008
Achieving human security through UN human rights law:
prospects and challenges McClean, E. 2007. Achieving human security through UN human rights law:
prospects and challenges. Advancing Inter-disciplinarity in Human Rights Research: Problems and Possibilities. Centre for the Study of Human Rights, London School of Economics 20 Mar 2007