Dr Tantawy Moussa

Dr Tantawy Moussa

Tantawy Moussa joined Westminster Business School in 2011, as a Senior Lecturer in Accounting and Finance. He holds a First Class Honours degree in Accounting (Cairo University), a Master of Accounting ( Cairo University) and a PhD in Accounting and Finance (University of Essex), as well as a Postgraduate Certificate of Teaching in Higher Education (University of Westminster) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He has wide experience in both academia and the public sector which spans over 25 years. Dr Moussa has developed and taught many modules in Accounting and Finance, including Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Making Management Decisions and International Accounting. He supervised many undergraduate and postgraduate research projects. He has also been involved in the validation of MBA and postgraduate courses.

Dr Moussa's wider research interests relate to corporate governance and accountability, market-based accounting research, corporate tax avoidance, modern slavery, corporate social responsibility and accounting disclosure. His work is published in European Accounting Review, Business Strategy and the Environment, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Asian Review of Accounting, and Accounting Research Journal. He has presented his research at a number of national and international conferences, workshops, and seminars in various countries, as well as won competitive internal and external research grant awards.

  • Centre for Finance and Financial Services

Sustainable Development Goals
In brief

Research areas

Corporate governance and financial reporting, Social and environmental reporting, Market-based accounting research and Accountability and ethics
Nominated and shortlisted for the "Being Westminster Award" 2024

University of Westminster