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Examining the relationship between CEO power and modern slavery disclosures: The moderating role of board gender diversity in UK companies Allam, A., Moussa, T. and Elmarzouky, M. 2024. Examining the relationship between CEO power and modern slavery disclosures: The moderating role of board gender diversity in UK companies. Business Strategy and The Environment. 33 (8), pp. 8067-8085.
Islamic Banks’ Sharia Compliance Disclosure: An International Evidence Benamraoui, A., Moussa, T. and Hussien, M. 2023. Islamic Banks’ Sharia Compliance Disclosure: An International Evidence. Accounting Research Journal. 36 (4/5), pp. 327-348.
National culture and tax evasion: The role of the institutional environment quality Allam, A., Moussa, T., Abdelhady, M. and Yamen, A. 2023. National culture and tax evasion: The role of the institutional environment quality. Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation. 52 100559.
An examination of UK companies' modern slavery disclosure practices: Does board gender diversity matter? Moussa, T., Allam, A. and Elmarzouky, M. 2023. An examination of UK companies' modern slavery disclosure practices: Does board gender diversity matter? Business Strategy and The Environment. 32 (8), pp. 5382-5402.
The effect of political connections on firms' auditor choice decisions and audit opinions: evidence from Egypt Tantawy, S. and Moussa, T. 2023. The effect of political connections on firms' auditor choice decisions and audit opinions: evidence from Egypt. Asian Review of Accounting. 31 (3), pp. 414-436.
Global Modern Slavery and Sustainable Development Goals: Does Institutional Environment Quality Matter? Moussa, T., Allam, A. and Elmarzouky, M. 2022. Global Modern Slavery and Sustainable Development Goals: Does Institutional Environment Quality Matter? Business Strategy and The Environment. 31 (5), pp. 2230-2244.
An Empirical Investigation of U.K. Environmental Targets Disclosure: The Role of Environmental Governance and Performance Moussa, T., Kotb, A. and Helfaya, A. 2021. An Empirical Investigation of U.K. Environmental Targets Disclosure: The Role of Environmental Governance and Performance. European Accounting Review. 31 (4), pp. 937-971.
Can board environmental orientation improve U.S. firms' carbon performance? The mediating role of carbon strategy Moussa, T., Allam, A., Elbanna, S. and Bani-Mustafa, A. 2020. Can board environmental orientation improve U.S. firms' carbon performance? The mediating role of carbon strategy. Business Strategy and The Environment. 29 (1), pp. 72-86.
Do Board's Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and Orientation Influence Environmental Sustainability Disclosure? UK Evidence Helfaya, A. and Moussa, T. 2017. Do Board's Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy and Orientation Influence Environmental Sustainability Disclosure? UK Evidence. Business Strategy and The Environment. 26 (8), pp. 1061-1077 BSE-16-0160.