Mr Jon Cope

Mr Jon Cope

Jon’s experience in PR and journalism spans more than 20 years, with experience in the consumer, health and fashion sectors, both in senior agency and in-house roles and as a freelance journalist. Most recently, Jon’s freelance practice has focused on content creation for global healthcare and consumer/lifestyle brands. His current research concentrates on the use of visual materials in promotional communication. Jon co-authored and produced most of the photographs for the book Fashion Promotion in Practice, published by Bloomsbury in 2016. He holds an MA in Critical Global Politics from Exeter University. He is currently working on a chapter for a forthcoming publication by Routledge on the importance of visual and spatial approaches to PR.

Cope, J & Wells, M (in press) Picturing statistical narratives: a century of data visualisation from the healthcare public relations perspective. In Visual & Spatial Public Relations: Strategic Communication Beyond Text. Routledge (2018)

Cope, J & Maloney, D (2016) Fashion Promotion in Practice . Bloomsbury Publishing

Cope, J. & Steffen, A. (2011) International Public Relations: an experiment on a virtual model of learning. Proceedings of the 14th International Public Relations Research Conference

Cope, J (2010) When is a NIMBY not a NIMBY? The case of the St Dennis Incinerator Group. Cornish Studies 18, pp 58 - 70