Miss Iris Sirendi | Doctoral Research Project | Active |
Miss Claire Dobbin | Reimagining interpretation through scent: An interdisciplinary examination of olfactorily led museum interpretation and its impact on engagement, memorability and cultural inclusion | Active |
Ms Inma Pedregosa Sanchez | Making Radio Commentary More Accessible: Examining Audio Description as a Tool for Improving the BPS User Experience of Football Commentary on the Radio | Active |
Ms Jessica Beale | Examining the impact of multisensory language on perception and experience: how can botanic, horticultural or historic (BHH) gardens use audio description (AD) to enhance access for all visitors? | Active |
Mrs Natasha Ramachandran | A Mixed Method Approach to Post-Awakening Cortisol Research: Exploring Associations with Post-Awakening Melatonin, Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma and Experiences of Participation | Completed |
Mrs Rachel Hutchinson | Museums for all: towards engaging, memorable museum experiences through inclusive audio description | Completed |
Miss Amy Woy | Using sensory cues to curate, study and support autobiographical remembering across the lifespan | Completed |
Miss Zoe Pounder | An exploration into aphantasia: the inability to form voluntary mental imagery | Completed |