Dr Rukhsana Kausar

Dr Rukhsana Kausar

I was part of the team who help a joint panel (P52) at DSA Conference 2021: Unsettling Development University of East Anglia, 28 June – 2 July 2021

  • Malki, Issam and Kausar, Rukhsana (2021), “Professional and Managerial Achievements of Second Generation of Ethnic Minority Migrants in the UK: An Occupational attainment analysis using Labour Force Survey 2014-18” working paper presented at Unconference: The Many Faces of Migration- An Interdisciplinary Unconference, University of Westminster held 29th -30th April 2021. 
  • 9th Global Islamic Microfinance Forum: Presented “Combating Poverty through Microfinance and Entrepreneurial Development: Findings from an empirical Rural Study” and  I also chaired Presentation Sessions and provided presenters with feedback.