Thieves of the Orient: the Arabian Nights in early Indian cinema Thomas, R. 2013. Thieves of the Orient: the Arabian Nights in early Indian cinema. in: Kennedy, P.F. and Warner, M. (ed.) Scheherazade's children: global encounters with the Arabian Nights New York New York University Press. pp. 362-393
Miss Frontier Mail: the film that mistook its star for a train Thomas, R. 2007. Miss Frontier Mail: the film that mistook its star for a train. in: Narula, M., Sengupta, S., Bagchi, J. and Sundaram, R. (ed.) Sarai Reader 07: Frontiers Delhi, India Centre for the Study of Developing Societies. pp. 294-309
Zimbo and son meet the girl with a gun Thomas, R. 2005. Zimbo and son meet the girl with a gun. in: Blamey, D. and D'Souza, R. (ed.) Living pictures: perspectives on the film poster in India London, UK Open Editions. pp. 27-44
Not Quite (Pearl) White: Fearless Nadia, queen of the stunts Thomas, R. 2005. Not Quite (Pearl) White: Fearless Nadia, queen of the stunts. in: Kaur, R. and Sinha, A.J. (ed.) Bollywood: popular Indian cinema through a transnational lens London, UK Sage. pp. 35-69
Melodrama and the negotiation of morality in mainstream Hindi film Thomas, R. 1995. Melodrama and the negotiation of morality in mainstream Hindi film. in: Breckenridge, C. (ed.) Consuming modernity: public culture in a South Asian world University of Minnesota Press. pp. 157-182
A vision for screen studies in South Asia Vasudevan, R.S., Thomas, R., Majumdar, N. and Biswas, M. 2010. A vision for screen studies in South Asia. Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies. 1 (1), pp. 5-9.
Editorial: BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies Vasudevan, R.S., Thomas, R., Majumdar, N. and Biswas, M. 2010. Editorial: BioScope: South Asian Screen Studies. Bioscope: South Asian Screen Studies. 1 (1), pp. 1-3.
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