Ms Olga Nunez Pineiro


Núñez Piñeiro, O. 2011. Epilogue. in: Couffon, C., Barba, R.D., Handelsman, M. and Núñez Piñeiro, O. (ed.) Panorámica actual de la cultura ecuatoriana Editorial Allpamanda.


Summary of discussion on Is localization just technology?
Núñez Piñeiro, O. and Mullamaa, K. 2006. Summary of discussion on Is localization just technology? in: Pym, A., Perekrestenko, A. and Starink, B. (ed.) Translation technology and its teaching Tarragona, Spain Servei de Publicacions. pp. 59-62


Summary of discussion on What is XML and how do we teach it?
Núñez Piñeiro, O. 2006. Summary of discussion on What is XML and how do we teach it? in: Pym, A., Perekrestenko, A. and Starink, B. (ed.) Translation technology and its teaching Tarragona, Spain Servei de Publicacions. pp. 65-66


Panorámica actual de la cultura ecuatoriana
Couffon, C., Barba, R.D., Handelsman, M. and Núñez Piñeiro, O. (ed.) 2011. Panorámica actual de la cultura ecuatoriana. Editorial Allpamanda.


Speed up your Spanish: strategies to avoid common errors
Muñoz-Basols, J., David, M. and Núñez Piñeiro, O. 2009. Speed up your Spanish: strategies to avoid common errors. Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.


Translation of book: Under the ocean: the natural world by Paul Bennett [El Oceano]
Núñez Piñeiro, O. 2001. Translation of book: Under the ocean: the natural world by Paul Bennett [El Oceano]. Tick-Tock Publishing.


Translation of book: In the Rainforest by Barbara Taylor [La Selva Lluvliosa]
Núñez Piñeiro, O. 2001. Translation of book: In the Rainforest by Barbara Taylor [La Selva Lluvliosa]. Tick-Tock Publishing.


Translation of book: In the Dessert by Paul Bennett [El Desierto]
Núñez Piñeiro, O. 2001. Translation of book: In the Dessert by Paul Bennett [El Desierto]. Tick-Tock Publishing.


Translation of book: From pole to pole by Paul Bennet [De polo a polo]
Núñez Piñeiro, O. 2001. Translation of book: From pole to pole by Paul Bennet [De polo a polo]. Tick-Tock Publishing.

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