Dr Uriel Orlow

Doctoral ResearcherTitle of ThesisStatus
Miss Sofia Natalie KynigopoulouDoctoral Research ProjectActive
Ms Christina PeakeBarabajan and Blue Geographies: How can eco-social art practice and archival research inform restorative ecologies?Active
Mr Pablo AntoliEpisodes of a Revolution: Photo-Filmic objects and the Mexican Revolution’s collective memory.Active
Mr David AlamoutiFilmmaking at the borders: Improvisation and the ethics of (re)presenting othersActive
Ms Nadia JaglomPeople of the graves: an audio-visual exploration of the ways in which colonial violence impacts the Palestinian living and dead Active
Mr Jacob JoyceReanimating the Pedagogies of the Diasporic Archive (working title) Active
Mr Bisan Abu EishehBreathing Archives: Art and Tacit Knowledge in the Post-Oslo Accords’ PalestineCompleted
Mr Joel ThomsonQuantum Ecologies in Cosmological Infrastructures: A Critical Holographers Encounters with the Meta/Physics of Landscape-LaboratoriesCompleted
Mr Pablo MollenhauerFilm Practices for the Inclusion of the More than Human in the Representation of Cultural LandscapesCompleted
Mr Steven SmithFinding the Material of Memory in Place - Sketch for a PalimpsestCompleted
Ms Kerstin SchroerFilm Matters – Historical and material considerations of colour, movement and sound in filmCompleted
Ms Roz MortimerGhosts, Imagination and Theatre: re-enacting the futural past through documentary filmCompleted
Miss Estefani Bouza ArnosoTaming Contingency: Photography at the Crossroads between Collections, Archives and AtlasesCompleted
Mrs Susan FahyFugitive Testimonies - commentaryCompleted
Ms Deniz SozenThe Art of Un-belongingCompleted
Mr Mirko Nikolicminoritarian ecologies: performance before a more-than-human worldCompleted
Ms Miranda PennellFilm as an archive for colonial photographs: activating the past in the presentCompleted
Ms Cinzia CremonaDoctoral research projectCompleted
Miss Aikaterini GegisianDoctoral research projectCompleted
Sylvie MagerstädtDoctoral research projectCompleted