Miss Sofia Natalie Kynigopoulou | Doctoral Research Project | Active |
Ms Christina Peake | Barabajan and Blue Geographies: How can eco-social art practice and archival research inform restorative ecologies? | Active |
Mr Pablo Antoli | Episodes of a Revolution: Photo-Filmic objects and the Mexican Revolution’s collective memory. | Active |
Mr David Alamouti | Filmmaking at the borders: Improvisation and the ethics of (re)presenting others | Active |
Ms Nadia Jaglom | People of the graves: an audio-visual exploration of the ways in which colonial violence impacts the Palestinian living and dead | Active |
Mr Jacob Joyce | Reanimating the Pedagogies of the Diasporic Archive (working title) | Active |
Mr Bisan Abu Eisheh | Breathing Archives: Art and Tacit Knowledge in the Post-Oslo Accords’ Palestine | Completed |
Mr Joel Thomson | Quantum Ecologies in Cosmological Infrastructures: A Critical Holographers Encounters with the Meta/Physics of Landscape-Laboratories | Completed |
Mr Pablo Mollenhauer | Film Practices for the Inclusion of the More than Human in the Representation of Cultural Landscapes | Completed |
Mr Steven Smith | Finding the Material of Memory in Place - Sketch for a Palimpsest | Completed |
Ms Kerstin Schroer | Film Matters – Historical and material considerations of colour, movement and sound in film | Completed |
Ms Roz Mortimer | Ghosts, Imagination and Theatre: re-enacting the futural past through documentary film | Completed |
Miss Estefani Bouza Arnoso | Taming Contingency: Photography at the Crossroads between Collections, Archives and Atlases | Completed |
Mrs Susan Fahy | Fugitive Testimonies - commentary | Completed |
Ms Deniz Sozen | The Art of Un-belonging | Completed |
Mr Mirko Nikolic | minoritarian ecologies: performance before a more-than-human world | Completed |
Ms Miranda Pennell | Film as an archive for colonial photographs: activating the past in the present | Completed |
Ms Cinzia Cremona | Doctoral research project | Completed |
Miss Aikaterini Gegisian | Doctoral research project | Completed |
Sylvie Magerstädt | Doctoral research project | Completed |