Prof Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos

Prof Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos

Doctoral ResearcherTitle of ThesisStatus
Mr Ernesto Balmore Light-lopezThe Phobic Object: Authoritarian Currents in the Liberal OrderActive
Ms Rebeccca Strickland SpenceTowards a landscape of retrieval as a mode of refusal: Black affect as moving image strategy between the North of England and JamaicaActive
Mr Reuben CariasThe Other as Law: Eros and Being in the Masochean reading of LevinasActive
Mr Mohamad SafaThe Loudest Ever: Entangled Legalities of Listening and War TraumaCompleted
Mr Renan Nery PortoA Viscous Law and the Sticky Bodies of Cocoa: For a cosmopoetics of justiceCompleted
Mr Francesco ForzaniThe Study of Exception. A methodological reflection on Agamben’s problematisation of the relation between law and life Completed
Miss Victoria BrooksEthics Beyond Immanence: Rupturing Law's Method through Sex ResearchCompleted
Mrs Eliza WattCyberspace, Surveillance, Law and PrivacyCompleted
Ms Debdatta ChowdhuryDoctoral research projectCompleted
Mr Andrea PavoniDoctoral research projectCompleted
Mr Pravin JeyarajLaw as a Regulator: Steering Waste Management by Steering itself through its Relationship with the EnvironmentCompleted
Hans Von RettigDoctoral research projectCompleted
Kay LalorDoctoral research projectCompleted
Steve GreenfieldDoctoral research projectCompleted
Ms Julia WongDoctoral research projectCompleted
Laura NiadaDoctoral research projectCompleted