Aesthetic Experience and Performing Arts in the Arab Region: Towards An Audience-Centered Perspective2021
Ethnography as thrownness and the face of the sufferer2018
Arab Thought and Revolution as Event: Towards New Affective Registers of Critique2018
Emigration 2.0: Young Moroccans, Emigration and the Internet2023
“Arab” Cultural Studies: Phenomenology Being Digital, and Other Notes2021
“Morocco’s Arab Spring Protests: Transmediality as ‘Doing-Publicness’”2019
Reflections on Time in Arabic Poetry2017
(Mis)trust, Access and the Poetics of Self-Reflexivity: Arab Diasporic Children in London and Media Consumption2013
Towards a vertical hermeneutics of the modern: on modernness2011
Language as culture: the question of Arabic2011
Placing political economy in relation to cultural studies: reflections on the case of cinema in Saudi Arabia2011
Arab cultural studies: between re-territorialization and deterritorialization2009
Media and cultural studies in the Arab world: making bridges to local discourses of modernity2008
Arab media and cultural studies: rehearsing new questions2007
In search of the present Arab cultural tenseRegulating Children’s Media Content in Morocco: Policy Paper
Sabry, T. and Ait Mansour, H Forthcoming. Regulating Children’s Media Content in Morocco: Policy Paper. Morocco Economia Magazine.
Culture, Time and Publics in the Arab World: Media, Public Space and Temporality2019
Children and Screen Media in Changing Arab Contexts: An Ethnographic Perspective2017
Arab Subcultures: transformations in theory and practice2011
Arab cultural studies: mapping the field2010
Cultural encounters in the Arab world: on media, the modern and the everyday2013
Revolutions in the age of ‘globalization’: between the trans-temporal and the trans-subjective2005
What is 'global' about Arab media?2005
Emigration as popular culture: the case of Morocco2005
The day Moroccans gave up couscous for satellites: global TV, structures of feeling, and mental migration2004
Young Amazighs, the Land of Eromen and Pamela Anderson as the embodiment of modernity