Design Practices2020
Distortion, illusion and transformation: the evolution of Dazzle Painting, a camouflage system to protect Allied shipping from Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, 1917–19182018
Dazzle Camouflage: Origin and Development of Visual Distortion and Devices2018
Distortion, illusion and transformation: the evolution of Dazzle Painting, a camouflage system to protect Allied shipping from Unrestricted Submarine Warfare, 1917–19182017
Dazzle Camouflage, War and Space2017
Dazzle Camouflage: War and Space2015
Interview: Wilkinson, Camilla interview by Kew, David, Dazzle Ship London2015
Television Interview: Wilkinson, Camilla interview by Morris, Jonnie Deception by Design, ABC Australia2018
Dazzle Camouflage: War and Space (The Dazzle Camouflage Concept) animation clip HENI film Dazzled! How a British Artist Tranformed the Seas of WW12018
Dazzle Camouflage: War and Space (The Dazzle Camouflage Concept) animation2017
Dazzle Painting: War and Space The Dazzle Painting Concept