Dr Lindsay Bywood

I hold a PhD from University College, London, an MA in German and Philosophy from the University of Oxford and an MA in Translation from the University of Salford. I have been working in subtitling since 1998, and most recently I was Director of Business Development at VSI, an international subtitling and dubbing company with headquarters in London. I teach translation, audiovisual translation, and professional skills for translators,and my research interests include diachronic variation in the subtitling of German films into English, machine learning in the translation domain, and audio description and inclusive design.
I am a Director of the European Association for Studies in Screen Translation (ESIST), Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists, and a member of the advisory committee for the Languages & The Media conference series. My journal work includes being Deputy Editor of the Journal of Specialised Translation.
My PhD looked at the diachronic variation in the strategies used to subtitle the cultural references in the films Volker Schlöndorff in English, finding a tendency for English and Anglophone culture to dominate over time. I am interested in audiovisual translation; machine translation and post-editing; and am currently involved in projects looking at audio description in the context of inclusive design.