Social cohesion in a diverse society: human rights, nationalism and multiculturalism O'Donnell, M.H. 2009. Social cohesion in a diverse society: human rights, nationalism and multiculturalism. in: Pilkington, A., Housee, S. and Hylton, K. (ed.) Race-ing forward: transitions in theorising 'race' Birmingham Higher Education Academy, C-SAP.
Researching students on a 'race and ethnicity' module O'Donnell, M.H. 2006. Researching students on a 'race and ethnicity' module. in: Farrar, M. and Todd, M.J. (ed.) Teaching 'race' in social sciences - new contexts, new approaches Birmingham, UK C-SAP, University of Birmingham.
The social construction of youthful masculinities: peer group subcultures O'Donnell, M.H. and Sharpe, S. 2004. The social construction of youthful masculinities: peer group subcultures. in: Ball, S.J. (ed.) The RoutledgeFalmer reader in sociology of education London, UK RoutledgeFalmer. pp. 89-127
Masculinities in the global context O'Donnell, M.H. 2003. Masculinities in the global context. in: Holborn, M. (ed.) Developments in sociology Lancashire, UK Causeway Press. pp. 30-49
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