Dr Rachael Attwood

Dr Rachael Attwood


Before you celebrate the centenary of women voting remember that it isn't actually the triumph you think it is
Attwood, R. 2018. Before you celebrate the centenary of women voting remember that it isn't actually the triumph you think it is.


Nothing New under the Sun? Representations of trafficking in turn-of-the-century England
Attwood, R. 2017. Nothing New under the Sun? Representations of trafficking in turn-of-the-century England. Bangkok, Thailand


General Election Changes Press Coverage of London Bridge Terrorist Attack
Attwood, R. 2017. General Election Changes Press Coverage of London Bridge Terrorist Attack.


A Very Un-English Predicament: 'The White Slave Traffic' and the Construction of National identity in the Suffragist and Socialist Movements' Coverage of the 1912 Criminal Law Amendment Bill)
Attwood, R. 2022. A Very Un-English Predicament: 'The White Slave Traffic' and the Construction of National identity in the Suffragist and Socialist Movements' Coverage of the 1912 Criminal Law Amendment Bill). National Identities . 24 (3), pp. 217-246. https://doi.org/10.1080/14608944.2021.1895096


Human Trafficking: A Problem With a Past
Attwood, R. 2019. Human Trafficking: A Problem With a Past. Real History. 1 (1), pp. 42-43.


Looking Beyond ‘White Slavery’: Trafficking, the Jewish Association’s representation of ‘the potential victim’, and the dangerous politics of migration control in England, 1890-1910
Attwood, R. 2016. Looking Beyond ‘White Slavery’: Trafficking, the Jewish Association’s representation of ‘the potential victim’, and the dangerous politics of migration control in England, 1890-1910. Anti-Trafficking Review. 7, pp. 115-138. https://doi.org/10.14197/atr.20121777


Lock up your daughters! Male activists, ‘patriotic domesticity’, and the fight against sex trafficking in England, 1880-1912
Attwood, R. 2015. Lock up your daughters! Male activists, ‘patriotic domesticity’, and the fight against sex trafficking in England, 1880-1912. Gender & History. 27 (3), pp. 611-627. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-0424.12153


Stopping the Traffic: the National Vigilance Association and the international fight against the ‘white slave’ trade (1899–c.1909)
Attwood, R. 2015. Stopping the Traffic: the National Vigilance Association and the international fight against the ‘white slave’ trade (1899–c.1909). Women's History Review. 24 (3), pp. 325-350. https://doi.org/10.1080/09612025.2014.964064

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