Prof Joana Soares Goncalves

Joana Carla Soares Gonçalves graduated from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 1993. As a young practicing architect, she worked in Oscar Niemeyer´s office, in Rio de Janeiro, between 1993 and 1995. In 1996 she was awarded her Master’s degree in Environment and Energy from the AA Graduate School in London and in 2003 she earned her PhD degree from FAUUSP. Joana Gonçalves was an Associate Professor of Environmental Design at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo (FAUUSP) between 2015 and 2020, where she taught since 1998 at undergraduate and graduate level. Between 2015 and 2019, Joana was the Head of the Technology Department of FAUUSP. Currently, her committement with FAUUSP is at graduate level, supervising Master´s dissertations and PhD thesis in the graduate programme of Architecture and Urbanism. She also helds the position of a Visiting Professor at the Architecture and Environmental Design Master´s Programme, at the School of Architecture and Cities of the University of Westminster since 2014. In addition, Joana acts as a Course Tutor of ETS – Environmental Technical Studies, at the Architectural Association School of Architecture. Between 2009 and 2013 Joana Gonçalves joined the teaching staff of the Environment and Energy Programme at AA Graduate School, where she contributes as a visiting lecturer and reviewer, since 2013. In 2011 she was a guest lecturer at the Graduate School of Design (GSD) in Harvard University. In 2017, Joana was made Director of the international, non-profitable organization Passive and Low Energy Architecture (PLEA), founded in 1982. She is the author of a number publications including the book The Environmental Performance of Tall Buildings (2010) with Earthscan, London; Joana was one of the coordinators of the Buildings’ chapter in the UNEP Green Economy Report (2011). She was co-author and organizer of Edificio Ambiental (2015), by Oficina de Textos, São Paulo. More recently, she contributed to various technical publications, including Buildings for Extreme Environments: Tropical (2017), organized by CIBSE-UK. She is also the author of more than 50 scientific articles. Revealing the thermal environmental quality of the high-density residential tall building from the Brazilian bioclimatic modernism: the case-study of Copan building, in: Energy and Buildings (2018), is one the most recent and widely read of her publications. In FAUUSP, Joana has coordinated a number of research projects, including the international collaboration between the University of Nottingham, University of Birmingham and FAUUSP, São Paulo, entitled Re-inhabiting the City: bringing new life to city centres of emerging economies in a changing climate: The case of São Paulo (2017 – 2018), sponsored by EPRC-UK and FAPESP, São Paulo.
Selected Main Research and Other Projects
Casa de Todo Dia (Every day House), with Eduardo Pizarro. Sponsored by the University of São Paulo. Role: Coordinator.
Re-inhabiting the City: bringing new life to city centres of emerging economies in a changing climate: The case of Sao Paulo. Sponsored by EPRC-UK and FAPESP, São Paulo. Role: Local Coordinator in FAUUSP.
Latitudes Network - Global Educational Network. Organization: University of Westminster. Role: Local Coordinator in FAUUSP.
The Thermal and Daylight Performance of Iconic Buildings from the Brazilian Modernism in São Paulo, built between 1930 and 1964. O Desempenho Térmico e Luminoso de Edifícios Ícones da Arquitetura Modernista Brasileira, em São Paulo, produzida entre 1930 e 1964. Sponsored by FAPESP, São Paulo.
Green Buildings: Investing in Energy and Resource Efficiency. In: The Green Economy Report, UNEP. Sponsored by UNEP and Organized by the LSE.
Energy consumption in informal settlements (favelas) in São Paulo, Brasil. Case-Study. Comunidade Morro da USP. Sponsored by EIFER, Germany.
Sustainable Urban Design. Organization: Laboratório de Conforto Ambiental e Eficiência Energética do Departamento de Tecnologia da FAUUSP – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo. Sponsored by CAPES, Brazil.
Thermal Performance and Daylight in the FAUUSP Building. Organization: Laboratório de Conforto Ambiental e Eficiência Energética do Departamento de Tecnologia da FAUUSP – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. Sponsored by FAPESP and CNPq.
Sustainable Urban Spaces (in collaboration with The Martin Centre, University of Cambridge). Organization: The Martin Centre and FAUUSP. Sponsored by British Academy, UK.
1998-2003 (1st phase)/ 2006 - 2010 (2nd phase)
The Environmental Tall Building. Sponsored by CAPES, Brazil.
Selected Publications
Books, Book Chapters and Technical Reports (in English only)
RAWAL, Rajan; GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares; BORGSTEIN, Edward (2017). Building design, construction and materials In: Buildings for Extreme Environments: Tropical.1a ed.Londres: CIBSE Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, v.1, p. 69-78.
MONTEITH, I.; COOPER, D.; FUNG, W.; GARCIA, A. G.; GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares; HANCOCK, S.; LEUNG, V.; MBAH, L. (2017). Design Strategies In: Buildings for Extreme Environments: Tropical.1 ed.Londres : CIBSE Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, v.1, p. 38-66.
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares; BODE, Klaus. Edifício Ambiental. São Paulo SP: Oficina de Textos, 2015, v.1. p.591.
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares, DUARTE, Denise, MONTEIRO, Leonardo Marques, MARCONDES, Mônica Pereira, MOURA, Norberto. The New Research Centre of the Brazilian Petroleum Company in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Defining Environmental Quality and Energy Performance in Contemporary Brazilian Architecture In: Energy Efficiency. ed. Londres: In-Tech, 2012, v.1, p. 111-111.
RODE Philipp et al (2011). Green Buildings (Technical Report), In: The Green Economy Report, UNEP. Available at:
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares; MULFARTH, Roberta Kronka; PIZARRO, Eduardo Pimentel (2010). Energy Consumption in Informal Settlements (favelas) in São Paulo, Brasil. Case-Study Comunidade Morro da USP (Technical Report). Restricted access. FAUUSP.
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares (2010). The Environmental Performance of Tall Buildings. Earthscan / James & James.
Scientific Papers (in English)
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares; UZUM Mônica Dolce; MULFARTH, Roberta Consentino Kronka; LIMA, Eduardo Gasparelo; FERREIRA, Amanda. Revealing the thermal environmental quality of the high-density residential tall building from the Brazilian bioclimatic modernism: the case-study of Copan building. ENERGY AND BUILDINGS, p. 17-29, 2018.
TUBELO Renata, RODRIGUES Lucélia, GILLOTT, Mark, GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares . Cost-effective envelope optimization for social housing in Brazil's moderate climates zones. In: BUILDING AND ENVIRONMENT, v. 133, p. 213-227, 2018.
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares; FERNANDEZ, Juan Manuel. The Environmental Design of Working Spaces in Equatorial Highlands Zones: The Case of Bogotá. In: Buildings. , v.5, p.1105 1131, 2015.
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares, BODE, Klaus. The Environmental Value of Buildings: a proposal for performance assessment with reference to the case of the tall office building. In: Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. , v.24, p.31 - 55, 2011.
BRANDÃO, Rafael Silva, MARCONDES, Mônica Pereira, BENEDETTO, Gisele Saveriano de, GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares, DUARTE, Denise Helana Silva, RAMOS, José Ovidio. The new research centre of the Brazilian Petroleum Company in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: The achievements in the thermal performance of air-conditioned buildings in the tropics. In: Energy and Buildings. , v.40, p.1917 - 1930, 2008.
Articles in Journals of significant impact (in English only)
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares (2016). A Clarion Call for a New Approach: Sustainability In: Brazil: Restructuring the Urban. Architectural Design (AD).1 ed.Londres: John Wiley & Sons, 2016, v.86, p. 126-135.
BHATLA Suraksha, GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares. The Environmental Performance of the TTDI Towers, Kuala Lumpur. CTBUH Journal, International Journal on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. Tall Buildings' design, construction and operation. Chicago, p.24 - 28, 2012.
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares, BODE, Klaus. The Importance of Real Life Data to Support Environmental Claims for Tall Buildings. CBTUH Journal - Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat. Chicago, p.24 - 29, 2011.
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares, BODE, Klaus Up in the Air. CIBSE Journal: the official magazine of the Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers. Cambridge, UK, p.32 - 34, 2010.
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares, MULFARTH, Roberta Consentino KronkaARCH +. Berlin, p.124 - 124, 2008.
Nachhaltige Modernisierung von Wohnhochhäusern am Beispiel der Stadtteile Santa Josepha und São Vito im Stadtzentrum von São Paulo.
GONÇALVES, Joana Carla Soares. Sustainable and Tall. CTBUH Journal. Tall Buildings: design, construction and operation. Summer 2007. Chicago, p.18 - 21, 2007.