Dr Lewis Mattin

Dr Lewis Mattin

I have an undergraduate degree in Exercise Nutrition and an MRes in Sports Nutrition from Nottingham Trent University (NTU), where I worked closely with Dr Lewis James. I was a postgraduate teaching assistant at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), where I also completed a PhD. During this time, I studied how exercise effect gastrointestinal function, appetite, and metabolic regulation with guidance from Dr Gethin Evans & Dr Adora Yau. In 2021, I joined the University of East Anglia as a Lecturer in Physiology before taking up my current position in 2023 at the University of Westminster as a Lecturer in Human Physiology.

I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Furthermore, I am an active member of The Physiological Society, in which I am the representative at the University of Westminster and a full member of the Society for Endocrinology, in which I am a member of the public engagement committee.  

In addition to these core interests, I am actively engaged in research aiming to recognise how the human microbiome triggers the gut-brain axis, leading to changes in appetite and gut permeability; the relationship between diet and exercise within ethnic minorities (DoS: Manpreet Mujral). Furthermore, research which identifies the mechanisms of ageing and novel active components of macro and micro-nutrients using a range of populations: healthy, overweight, athletic, sport, and exercise nutrition settings predominantly using Human Volunteers

This research aims to enhance knowledge related to metabolic regulation, time of day feeding, and weight management. With a particular interest in endocrinology related to gastrointestinal hormones.

Enquirers from students looking for self-funded PhD studies or summer research assistants are welcome (l.mattin@westminster.ac.uk)

Dr Mattin is an active early career translational scientist with experience in exercise, health, and extreme environmental physiology/ nutrition. His interests spans from elite performance from being an international Swimmer to a range of physical activity topics and further research interests:    

His research employs randomised controlled trials using human volunteers to study the effects of nutrition and exercise on the gut-brain axis and metabolic regulation. The primary focus is to comprehend weight management within a recreational fit population to prevent long-term fat accumulation after exercise. Secondly, recognise how substrate utilisation, appetite and gastrointestinal response change as humans move from an unhealthy condition to a healthy state. 

Although, this research has a strong exercise prescription and nutritional origin, it also has a compelling endocrinology focus related to changes in gut hormones (Ghrelin, GLP-1, and PYY), after exercise, nutrient ingestion or within a fasted state. This research area is multidisciplinary and sits on the edge of serial societies and grant funding interests (BBSRC and MRC). 

Research Topics & Interests 

Fasted vs Fed

Circadian Rhythm

Exercise Snaking

Gut Microbiome

Gut brain Axis 

Sport Performance & Nutrition 

Ongoing projects

The gut microbiome: What is the relationship between diet and exercise within ethnic minorities (PhD Student: Manpreet Mujral 2023 -). Please click on the link if you want to participate in the InsighTrial

Investigating adaptations to extreme endurance to unearth the molecular and physiological basis of cardiovascular resilience (PhD Student: Mr Success Ajayi 2024-)

Appetite regulation: How does long-term training state effect gut-derived hormones and adiposity (Seeking funding and support )

Enquirers from students looking for self-funded PhD studies or summer research assistants are welcome (l.mattin@westminster.ac.uk).

Sustainable Development Goals
In brief

Research areas

Human Physiology, Gastrointestinal Health , Exercise Prescription and Endocrine

Skills / expertise

Human Intervention , Clinical Trials, Applied data collection and Blood Sampling

Supervision interests

Gastrointestinal Health, Appetite Hormones , Metabolic Adaptation, Weight Management and Gut-Brain Axis

European Hydration Institute

Institutional Engagement Award

The Physiological Society

Conference Attendance Awards

The Physiological Society