Localising and reimagining urban planning knowledge for effective Global South climate urbanism2024
The StreetECHO Toolkit. Deliverable D1.5, EX-TRA project.2024
StreetECHO Toolkit Guidance. Deliverable D1.4, EX-TRA project2024
Final showcase of regional, national, European and international projects, ideas, initiatives on the topic of accessibility and connectivity – the ENUAC projects, Deliverable 1.4, ACUTE Project2023
Online engagement and usage final monitoring report, Deliverable D1.3, EX-TRA Project2022
Wellbeing and Urban Regeneration in China: Towards a People-Centred Urban Agenda2022
Book review: Co-curating the City: Universities and urban heritage past and future, edited by Clare Melhuish, Henric Benesch, Dean Sully, and Ingrid Martins Holmberg. UCL Press, London, 20222021
The Role of Cultural Heritage for Sustainable Urban Development. East Asia, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Region