Dr Ana Gatoo

Dr Ana Gatoo


Design Practices
Mr Wilfred Achille, Ayuso, A., Batty, S., Boulanger, A., Cascone, P., Durelle, K., Dr Ana Gatóo, Girardin, F., Golzari, N., Guibert, E., Kramer, M., Maragiannis, A., McLean, W., Nieva Mesas, G., Pollock, B., Zaide, P., Zhang, J., Sharif, Y., Silver, P., Urna Sodnomjamts, Tankard, J., Thwaites, A., Watson, V.A. and Wilkinson, C. Watson, V.A., McLean, W. and Urna Sodnomjamts (ed.) 2024. Design Practices. University of Westminster DPRG Publications.


Ephemeral: natural, flexible living
Gatóo, A., Ramage, M.H. and Bakker, R. 2024. Ephemeral: natural, flexible living. Earth and Environmental Science. 1402 012035. https://doi.org/10.1088/1755-1315/1402/1/012035


Utopia by Design. Contemporary opportunities for a timeless ideal
Gatóo, A., Jalia, A., Koronaki, A. and Ramage, M.H. 2023. Utopia by Design. Contemporary opportunities for a timeless ideal. Science Talks https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sctalk.2023.100236

Usage Statistics
307 total views of outputs
257 total downloads of outputs
These values cover views and downloads from WestminsterResearch and are for the period from September 2nd 2018, when this repository was created.