Dr Kristijan Nikolic

I have a university degree in English from Zagreb University, where I have worked since 2001. In 2012, I took a PhD in translation at the University of Vienna. I have been an Honorary Research Associate at the Centre for Translation Studies, University College London since 2016. I have given talks at various universities and conferences, and was the main organiser of the Media for All 5 conference. My main research interests are interlingual subtitling and audiovisual translators’ working conditions. At Westminster, I teach Audiovisual Translation and Localisation to MA students of translation.
My most recent outputs:
Bywood, Lindsay and Kristijan Nikolić. (upcoming, 2024). Audiovisual Translation. In Handbook of the language industry: contexts, resources and profiles. (eds.) Gary Massey, Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow and Erik Angelone. Mouton de Gruyter
Nikolić, Kristijan, Mirjana Tonković and Jana Kiralj. (2023). Working Conditons of Audiovisual Translators in Europe. AVTE. https://prezi.com/i/a83j_udsgdtj/avte-survey-2022-23/
Nikolić, Kristijan. 2021. Survey on working conditions of AV translators in Croatia. Croatian Association of Audiovisual Translators: Zagreb. http://dhap.hr/Content/Survey_among_subtitlers_Croatia_26_01_2022.pd...
Emília Perez and Kristijan Nikolić. 2021. Introduction: In and Out of the Pandemic: COVID-19 Aftermath in the World of Translation and Interpreting. Vol. 2 No. 2, (Pp. 1-3).
Nikolić, Kristijan. 2021. Quality Control of Subtitles: a study of subtitlers, proofreaders, quality controllers, LSPs, and broadcasters/streaming services. Journal of Audiovisual Translation
Nikolić, Kristijan and Lindsay Bywood. 2021. Audiovisual translation: The road ahead. Journal of Audiovisual Translation, 4(1). 50-70.