Dr Natyra Xharavina


Implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in fashion small and medium-sized enterprises in Kosovo: Managers’ perspective
Xharavina, N., Kapoulas, A. and Oates, C.J. 2023. Implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in fashion small and medium-sized enterprises in Kosovo: Managers’ perspective. Vrontis, D., Weber, Y. and Tsoukatos, E. (ed.) The 16th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business . Vilnius, Lithuania 27 - 29 Sep 2023 EuroMed Press.


Finding the way out of the netnography maze–basic steps of conducting netnography: The tale of new researchers in the field
Xharavina, N. and Kapoulas, A. 2019. Finding the way out of the netnography maze–basic steps of conducting netnography: The tale of new researchers in the field. Vrontis, D., Weber, Y. and Tsoukatos, E. (ed.) The 12th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business. Thessaloniki, Greece 18 - 20 Sep 2019 EuroMed Press.


Insights on metrosexuality and consumption for marketers in South-East Europe
Magklaras, V., Kapoulas, A., Xharavina, N. and Miaoulis, G. 2023. Insights on metrosexuality and consumption for marketers in South-East Europe. International Journal of Market Research. 65 (5), pp. 622-641. https://doi.org/10.1177/14707853231151880


Netnography as a marketing research tool in the fashion industry in South-East Europe
Xharavina, N., Kapoulas, A. and Miaoulis, G. 2020. Netnography as a marketing research tool in the fashion industry in South-East Europe. International Journal of Market Research. 62 (4), p. 499–515. https://doi.org/10.1177/1470785319859210

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