
Ride, P. 2012. #CitizenCurators.

CreatorsRide, P.
Output mediaExhibition (online project)

Related outputs

Participation in the Art Museum: Defining New Models for Public Engagement at Tate Exchange
Ride, P. 2021. Participation in the Art Museum: Defining New Models for Public Engagement at Tate Exchange . Tate Papers. 34.

Hands-on, Shoes-off: Multisensory Tools Enhance Family Engagement Within an Art Museum
Eardley, A.F., Dobbin, C., Neves, J. and Ride, P. 2018. Hands-on, Shoes-off: Multisensory Tools Enhance Family Engagement Within an Art Museum. Visitor Studies. 21 (1), pp. 79-97. https://doi.org/10.1080/10645578.2018.1503873

Suspended: Art in the threshold
Ride, P. 2018. Suspended: Art in the threshold. in: Parry, R., Page, R. and Moseley, A. (ed.) Museum Thresholds: The Design and Media of Arrival London Routledge.

Enriched Audio Description: Working towards an inclusive museum experience
Eardley, A.F., Fryer, L., Hutchinson, R., Cock, M., Ride, P. and Neves, J. 2017. Enriched Audio Description: Working towards an inclusive museum experience. in: Halder, S. and Czop Assaf, L. (ed.) Inclusion, Disability and Culture: An Ethnographic Perspective Traversing Abilities and Challenges Springer.

Redefining Access: Embracing multimodality, memorability and shared experience in Museums
Eardley, A.F., Mineiro, C., Neves, J. and Ride, P. 2016. Redefining Access: Embracing multimodality, memorability and shared experience in Museums. Curator: The Museum Journal. 59 (3), pp. 263-286. https://doi.org/10.1111/cura.12163

The digital media handbook. 2nd edition
Dewdney, A. and Ride, P. 2014. The digital media handbook. 2nd edition. Abingdon Routledge.

The narrative of technology: understanding the effect of New Media artwork in the museum
Ride, P. 2012. The narrative of technology: understanding the effect of New Media artwork in the museum. in: Macleod, S., Hourston Hanks, L. and Hale, J. (ed.) Museum making: narratives, architectures, exhibitions Abingdon Routledge. pp. 267-276

Putting it together: examining new media arts and creative practice
Ride, P. 2012. Putting it together: examining new media arts and creative practice. PhD thesis University of Westminster School of Media, Arts and Design https://doi.org/10.34737/8z8yy

Enter the gallery
Ride, P. 2011. Enter the gallery. Public: Art, Culture, Ideas. 44, pp. 80-90.

David Rokeby: plotting against time
Ride, P. 2008. David Rokeby: plotting against time.

David Rokeby: silicon remembers carbon
Rokeby, D. and Ride, P. 2007. David Rokeby: silicon remembers carbon. Liverpool 19 Apr - 25 May 2007

Timeless: time, landscape and new media
Ride, P. 2006. Timeless: time, landscape and new media. Harbourfront Centre, York Quay, Toronto, Canada 25 - 30 Mar 2006

The new media handbook
Dewdney, A. and Ride, P. 2005. The new media handbook. London, UK Routledge.

Active daydreaming: the nature of collaboration
Prophet, J. and Ride, P. 2004. Active daydreaming: the nature of collaboration. in: Fusco, M. (ed.) Wonderful: visions of the near future book UNKNOWN. pp. 66-70

Jerram, L. and Ride, P. 2002. Tide. Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Canada 13 - 21 Apr 2002

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