Half full, half empty glass: the application of EU law in Poland (2004-2010)

Lazowski, A. 2011. Half full, half empty glass: the application of EU law in Poland (2004-2010). Common Market Law Review. 48 (2), pp. 503-553.

TitleHalf full, half empty glass: the application of EU law in Poland (2004-2010)
AuthorsLazowski, A.
JournalCommon Market Law Review
Journal citation48 (2), pp. 503-553
PublisherKluwer Law International
Publication dates

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Poland: implementation without transposition
Lazowski, A. 2009. Poland: implementation without transposition. in: Weyembergh, A. and Santamaria, V. (ed.) The evaluation of European Criminal Law. The example of the Framework Decision on combatting trafficking in human beings Brussels Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. pp. 285-300

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Lazowski, A. 2009. From EU with trust: the potential and limits of the mutual recognition in the third pillar from the Polish perspective. in: Vernimmen-Van Tiggelen, G., Surano, L. and Weyembergh, A. (ed.) 'The future of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the European Union / L’avenir de la reconnaissance mutuelle en matière pénale dans l’Union européenne Brussels Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. pp. 419-444

The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights: limits and potential
Lazowski, A. 2009. The EU Agency for Fundamental Rights: limits and potential. in: Barcz, J. (ed.) Fundamental rights protection in the European Union Warsaw C.H. Beck.

Poland: Constitutional tribunal on the preliminary ruling procedure and the division of competences between national courts and the Court of Justice. Court of Justice of the European Communities Order of 19 December 2006
Lazowski, A. 2008. Poland: Constitutional tribunal on the preliminary ruling procedure and the division of competences between national courts and the Court of Justice. Court of Justice of the European Communities Order of 19 December 2006. European Constitutional Law Review. 4 (1), pp. 187-197. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1574019608001879

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Lazowski, A. and Zawidzka, A. 2008. Prawo międzynarodowe publiczne [Public International Law]. Warsaw C.H. Beck Publishers.

Poland: implementation without transposition
Lazowski, A. 2008. Poland: implementation without transposition. in: Weyembergh, A. and Santamaria, V. (ed.) The evaluation of European Criminal Law: the example of the Framework Decision on combating trafficking in human beings Editions de l’Université de Bruxelles. pp. 285-300

Enhanced multilateralism and enhanced bilateralism: Integration without membership in the European Union
Lazowski, A. 2008. Enhanced multilateralism and enhanced bilateralism: Integration without membership in the European Union. Common Market Law Review. 45 (5), pp. 1433-1458.

Box of chocolates integration: the European Economic area and Swiss model revisited
Lazowski, A. 2008. Box of chocolates integration: the European Economic area and Swiss model revisited. in: Blockmans, S. and Prechal, S. (ed.) Reconciling the deepening and widening of the European Union The Hague, Netherlands TMC Asser Press. pp. 87-110

Two sides of the same coin? Framework decisions and directives compared
Lazowski, A. and Kurcz, B. 2007. Two sides of the same coin? Framework decisions and directives compared. in: Eeckhout, P. and Tridimas, T. (ed.) Yearbook of European Law 2006 Oxford, UK Oxford University Press.

Unia Europejska: prawo instytucjonalne i gospodarcze 2007
Lazowski, A., Kenig-Witkowska, M.M. and Ostrihansky, R. Kenig-Witkowska, M.M. (ed.) 2007. Unia Europejska: prawo instytucjonalne i gospodarcze 2007. Warsaw Wolters Kluwer Polska.

The instruments of the European neighbourhood policy
Lazowski, A. 2007. The instruments of the European neighbourhood policy. Neighbourhood Policy: Noaberschap in Europe. Twente, The Netherlands 20 Apr 2007

What procedural reform to improve the contribution of the European Court of Justice to the European Penal Area?
Lazowski, A. 2007. What procedural reform to improve the contribution of the European Court of Justice to the European Penal Area? The Role of the ECJ in the establishment of a European Penal Area. Brussels, Belgium 09 Feb 2007

Rozporządzenie jako źródło prawa Wspólnot Europejskich [Regulations as Source of EC Law]
Lazowski, A. 2007. Rozporządzenie jako źródło prawa Wspólnot Europejskich [Regulations as Source of EC Law]. Europejski Przegląd Sądowy. 3, pp. 12-19.

The Reform Treaty: a paradise for lawyers and jigsaw puzzle for EU citizens (in Polish)
Lazowski, A. 2007. The Reform Treaty: a paradise for lawyers and jigsaw puzzle for EU citizens (in Polish). Quo Vadis Europe II. Warsaw, Poland 05 - 06 Oct 2007

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Lazowski, A. 2007. Propozycje reform procedury pytań prejudycjalnych w obszarze wolności, bezpieczeństwa i sprawiedliwości [The proposed reforms of the preliminary ruling procedure]. Europejski Przegląd Sądowy. 9, pp. 18-25.

The Polish parliament and EU affairs; an effective actor or an accidental hero
Lazowski, A. 2007. The Polish parliament and EU affairs; an effective actor or an accidental hero. in: O'Brennan, J. and Raunio, T. (ed.) National parliaments within the enlarged European Union: from 'victims' of integration to competitive actors? London, UK Routledge. pp. 203-219

The Polish constitution, the European constitutional treaty and the principle of supremacy
Lazowski, A. 2007. The Polish constitution, the European constitutional treaty and the principle of supremacy. in: Albi, A. and Ziller, J. (ed.) The European Constitution and national constitutions: ratification and beyond Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands Kluwer Law International.

Poland: constitutional tribunal on the surrender of Polish citizens under the European Arrest Warrant. Decision of 27 April 2005
Lazowski, A. 2007. Poland: constitutional tribunal on the surrender of Polish citizens under the European Arrest Warrant. Decision of 27 April 2005. European Constitutional Law Review. 3 (1), pp. 148-162. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1574019607001484

Free movement of workers: transitional periods for the new member states (in Polish)
Lazowski, A. 2007. Free movement of workers: transitional periods for the new member states (in Polish). Recent Developments in Free Movement of Workers and Services (in Polish). Gródek nad Dunajcem, Poland 28 May 2007

European criminal law as a challenge for the ECJ: towards the reform of the preliminary ruling procedure
Lazowski, A. 2007. European criminal law as a challenge for the ECJ: towards the reform of the preliminary ruling procedure. Which jurisdictional control in the European penal area?. Luxembourg 09 - 10 Nov 2007

Enhanced bilateralism and multilateralism: integration without a membership
Lazowski, A. 2007. Enhanced bilateralism and multilateralism: integration without a membership. 50 Years of European Integration: Foundations and Perspectives. Maastricht 23 - 24 Mar 2007

Engaged elites or kings of dreams: businesses as enforcers of EU law in Central and Eastern Europe
Lazowski, A. 2007. Engaged elites or kings of dreams: businesses as enforcers of EU law in Central and Eastern Europe. First Central and Eastern European Rule of Law Symposium: The Judicial Reforms and the EU Accession. Sofia, Bulgaria 16 Jun 2007

Eelotsusemenetluse – kaasusõpped [case studies on the preliminary ruling procedure]
Lazowski, A. 2007. Eelotsusemenetluse – kaasusõpped [case studies on the preliminary ruling procedure]. Tartu Estonian Law Centre Foundation.

Application of EU law in the new Member States: per varios usus artem experentia fecit
Lazowski, A. 2007. Application of EU law in the new Member States: per varios usus artem experentia fecit. Federalizing the EU: Why Do It?. Athens, Greece 19 May 2007

And then they were twenty-seven... a legal appraisal of the Sixth Accession Treaty
Lazowski, A. 2007. And then they were twenty-seven... a legal appraisal of the Sixth Accession Treaty. Common Market Law Review. 44 (2), pp. 401-430.

Prawo instytucjonalne Unii Europejskiej [Institutional law of the European Union]
Kenig-Witkowska, M.M., Lazowski, A. and Ostrihansky, R. 2007. Prawo instytucjonalne Unii Europejskiej [Institutional law of the European Union]. Warsaw, Poland C.H. Beck.

Lazowski, A. and Yosifova, S. 2006. Bulgaria. in: Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) The European Union and its neighbours: a legal apraisal of the EU's policies of stabilisation, partnership and integration The Hague, Netherlands T. M. C. Asser. pp. 207-246

Lazowski, A. 2006. Switzerland. in: Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) The European Union and its neighbours: a legal apraisal of the EU's policies of stabilisation, partnership and integration The Hague, Netherlands T. M. C. Asser. pp. 147-184

EEA Countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway)
Lazowski, A. 2006. EEA Countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). in: Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) The European Union and its neighbours: a legal apraisal of the EU's policies of stabilisation, partnership and integration The Hague, Netherlands T. M. C. Asser. pp. 95-146

The European Union and its neighbours: questioning identity and relationships
Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. 2006. The European Union and its neighbours: questioning identity and relationships. in: Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) The European Union and its neighbours: a legal apraisal of the EU's policies of stabilisation, partnership and integration The Hague, Netherlands T. M. C. Asser. pp. 3-18

Conclusions: squaring the ring of friends
Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. 2006. Conclusions: squaring the ring of friends. in: Blockmans, S. and Lazowski, A. (ed.) The European Union and its neighbours: a legal apraisal of the EU's policies of stabilisation, partnership and integration The Hague, Netherlands T. M. C. Asser. pp. 613-640

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