CETL for work based learning: enhancing innovation and creativity in teaching and learning

Workman, B., Armsby, P., Durrant, A. and Frame, P. 2011. CETL for work based learning: enhancing innovation and creativity in teaching and learning. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning. 1 (3), pp. 273-288. https://doi.org/10.1108/20423891111179669

TitleCETL for work based learning: enhancing innovation and creativity in teaching and learning
AuthorsWorkman, B., Armsby, P., Durrant, A. and Frame, P.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to discuss three case studies reflecting areas of innovation and creativity which CETL funding made possible through a work-based learning CETL. CETL sponsored evaluations of funded projects and teaching initiatives informed further curriculum developments.

Design/methodology/approach – Using a case study approach the paper explores the experiences of three different projects and the impact upon staff and students in a CETL for work-based learning. Three case studies are used, the first describing progression from a Performing Arts Diploma to a degree, facilitated by the use of learning technologies and social networking; the second considers the impact upon experienced professionals and stakeholders involved in a new Doctorate programme by Public Works. The third case study demonstrates the importance of rewarding investment in and evaluation of learning approaches, assisted by learning technology, with the resultant development of a model which facilitates reflective learning from work activities. Case studies were focused on teaching and learning practice.

Findings – These were all programme developments which arose from practitioners and impacted upon academic practice and curriculum development. They impacted upon future learning initiatives thus demonstrating that the CETL investment impacted a wide range of learning activities at different academic levels. Dissemination of impact beyond the original project was evident through qualitative feedback and practitioner practice.

Social implications – This was more of an analytical exploration of funded innovations in teaching and learning than formal research and therefore is not presented as traditional research. However, a case for case study approach in included, but data methods not explored.

Practical implications – The CETL funding of teaching and learning innovations impacted upon work-based learning and the student learning experience within several schools across the university. These innovations have become significant for future WBL curriculum developments within the University. It is also evidenced that additional funding for five years of the CETL project enabled projects to grow and develop over a period of time. Therefore the indications are that sustained funding and evaluations at development points contribute to embedding and enhancing academic curriculum innovations.

Originality/value – This paper highlights the importance of long-term investment in teaching and learning initiatives and the impact that such investment can have over a period of time, particularly in relation to CETL funding, of which the long-term effects on teaching and learning in HE are as yet unknown.

JournalHigher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning
Journal citation1 (3), pp. 273-288
PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1108/20423891111179669
Publication dates

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