
Dean, J.M. 2007. Plot.

CreatorsDean, J.M.

Solo exhibition, a site specific installation of 30 works, resulting from a six month residency at the Wordsworth Trust. Plot was a site-specific project developed during a 6 month residency at the Wordsworth Trust, Grasmere, the internationally

acclaimed centre for the study of Romanticism, that has an extensive archive, as well as a museum, and contemporary arts

programmes. The residency culminated in a solo exhibition of 30 works and the publication of a book, Plot, designed by Dean

and included as a work within the exhibition, and now distributed by Cornerhouse (ISBN: 1-905256-15-9).

Dean worked in relation to the local environs (nature, literature, tourism), the gallery space (a former sweetshop), reflecting on

her behaviour in these contexts. She mostly worked with the materials and equipment that were available to be found, bought or

borrowed in and around Grasmere, or within walking distance (see book, Plot, p.24-28). Other influential factors were the

boathouse studio, without electricity or running water, and a neglected allotment that she cultivated, which became a productive

source of both materials and ideas. Examples include: a hosepipe, roots, flowers, grass, old window frames; Little Sod, a small

sod of earth cast in bronze; Partially Uplifted Telly, a 12 second looped video of a molehill in the process of being made, and

not, shown on a television placed at an upward tilt on the actual molehill. This engagement with the complexities of place

significantly informed Dean’s next project, for which she was interviewed for the ACE Helen Chadwick Fellowship, 2007.

‘Plot’ reviews include Art Monthly (March 2007), and the online “Artists’ Newsletter”. Dean was interviewed for Radio 4’s Open

Country, (November 2006). The exhibition was advertised in Frieze, Art Monthly and Modern Painters. The project was funded

by Wordsworth Trust, ACE North West and South Lakeland District Council (£14,700).

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Publication dates
Output mediaBook

Related outputs

Tabula Rasa, Two-way table, Counter, Dot.comme
Dean, J.M. Forthcoming. Tabula Rasa, Two-way table, Counter, Dot.comme. Musée des Beaux Arts, Dunkirk, France (Group show)

Dean, J.M. 2006. Field. Jerwood Sculpture Park, Ragley Hall, Warwickshire.

Dean, J.M., Min, Y.S., Fung, R. and Novaczek Ruth 2005. Unplugged. Toyoto Museum, Aichi, Japan

Dean, J.M. 2003. Provisional.

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