
Dean, J.M., Min, Y.S., Fung, R. and Novaczek Ruth 2005. Unplugged. Toyoto Museum, Aichi, Japan

CreatorsDean, J.M., Min, Y.S., Fung, R. and Novaczek Ruth

Works were selected for this video screening to explore cross-cultural and / or environmental concerns, described by the organisers as "A consideration of 'symbiosis with nature' within contemporary art". Tadashi Kawamata’s The Watchtower, located in the grounds of the Museum, was used as the backdrop to the screening.

During my piece, the surrounding crickets became the dominant sound and the audience gradually re-directed their gaze towards the full moon. The ‘silence’ lasted a minute, in concordance with Japanese tradition at times of mourning and / or remembrance.

This work references John Cage’s 4minutes 33seconds. It is both a critical response to the premise of the video screening as outlined above, as well as a means of further exploring ideas of dependency in relation to ecological / sustainable ideals, i.e. this work (as an example of an ecologically sustainable art practice) could only exist, as such, because of the comparatively un-ecological, 'techno-rich' work of the other artists in this context.


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Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/92w02/unplugged

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