Equal opportunity and diversity management meet downsizing: a case study in the UK airline industry

Bajawa, A. and Woodall, J. 2006. Equal opportunity and diversity management meet downsizing: a case study in the UK airline industry. Employee Relations. 28 (1), pp. 46-61. https://doi.org/10.1108/01425450610633055

TitleEqual opportunity and diversity management meet downsizing: a case study in the UK airline industry
AuthorsBajawa, A. and Woodall, J.

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to report on case study research of employment downsizing and the implications for equal opportunity and diversity management conducted in the UK airline industry during 2002/2003.

Design/methodology/approach – Review of literature on downsizing and equal opportunity and diversity management followed by identification of a number of research questions which are answered with reference to secondary analysis of labour market data and interviews with key informants from senior management and line management.

Findings – A planned approach to downsizing had been adopted that was strongly influenced by the human resources function in terms of equal opportunity and diversity management. An adverse impact on different employee groups had been avoided in order to sustain the diversity of the workforce.

Research limitations/implications – The research focuses on the management of downsizing and equal opportunity and diversity management. It addresses the perceptions of managers involved in developing and implementing policy, but does not examine the perceptions of other employees.

Practical implications – There are some reflections on ways in which equal opportunity and diversity management policy might adapt to organisational change and downsizing.

Originality/value – This paper brings together two scholarly debates on downsizing and equal opportunity and diversity management, and provides case study evidence of how an equal opportunity and diversity management agenda is implemented during organisational restructuring and downsizing.

JournalEmployee Relations
Journal citation28 (1), pp. 46-61
PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.1108/01425450610633055
Publication dates

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