Gameboy UltraF_uk

Corby, T., Barreto, R. and Perissinotto, P. 2004. Gameboy UltraF_uk. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 05 Feb - 24 Feb 2002

CreatorsCorby, T., Barreto, R. and Perissinotto, P.

Selected for the Transmediale 2002 International Media Art Festival, this project consisted of a digital, interactive installation that appropriated computer games in order to critique narratives common to the genre. The project is a computer game that can be displayed and disseminated in various forms. Playing the game induces a visual

decay in the game’s appearance that reveals the underlying computer code. In this project Corby sought to draw attention to

and critique the violence implicit in computer games by turning the original violence of the game in on itself in a manner that

ultimately subverts the gamer’s urge to annihilate. By highlighting the underlying code of the game as a visual component, he

also draws attention to the material realities that underpin all gaming and digital artefacts.

Gameboy_ultraF_uk was an early instance of digital art that critically comments on, or uses, computer games - now a

commonplace in the field. The work contributed to international debates exploring the use of computer code as a potential

aesthetic component in its own right.

Gameboy_ultraF_uk was invited to participate in several early international exhibitions featuring computer games. Peer

recognition is also evident in successful submission (jury selected) to international digital art festivals. The work features in the

key texts that make theoretical contributions to the area of artist’s videogames including Bittanti’s book Teorie e prassi del

videogiocare, and Clarke and Mitchell’s Videogame Art. Numerous academic papers cite this project including in DEBUG

magazine, the Journal de Letras Artes e Ideias and Visible Language. Corby was also invited to give a paper on the work at File

03 International New Media Symposium in Sao Paulo with British Council funding.

Production and concept development was equally shared with Gavin Baily. It involved programming a be-spoke software

application using C++ that “backwards engineered” a number of popular game titles in order to reconfigure their engines.

Research was undertaken into cellular automata systems in order to achieve this.

Web address (URL)
Publication dates
Page range114-115
Place of publicationSau Paulo, Brazil
Book titleNovas Midias / New Medias
Output mediaCatalogue

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