I stood up (2015)

Corby, T. and Williams, D. Forthcoming. I stood up (2015). London/New Delhi/Ahmedabad

TitleI stood up (2015)
CreatorsCorby, T. and Williams, D.

I Stood Up, was a practice-based research project developed collaboratively between an interdisciplinary team of artists and designers based in London, and Delhi and Ahmedabad, India between September 2014 and April 2015.

The research team of Corby (visual arts), Williams (fashion design and sustainability), Sheth (exhibition and spatial design), and Dhar (performance and design) was convened at the National Institute of Design (NID) in Ahmedabad in early 2014 supported by the British Council and the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council. Our project hypothesized a role for interdisciplinary design practices to act as a platform for public articulation of ‘real world’ problems in urban settings with a particular focus on the often connected problems of environmental degradation and gendered violence. Completed work consisted of workshop situations, installations, graphical posters and T-shirt designs. Exhibitions and events took place in Ahmedabad, New Delhi and London.

Unbox at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, India, 5-7th February 2014
Unbox Festival at IGNCA Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts in New Delhi from 12 to 14 December 2014.
'I stood up' workshop and exhibition, Faculty of Architecture at the Centre for Environment Planning & Technology (CEPT University) in Ahmedabad between December 2014-March 2015.
'I stood up' workshop and presentation, at Being Human, a festival of the Humanities, 12 Nov- 22 Nov 2015

AHRC Research Grant I Stood Up to Violence (Principal Investigator) £25,000 (2014)
AHRC Unbox Fellowship, National Institute of Design, India (2014)

KeywordsCollaborative, design, activism,
Place of publicationLondon/New Delhi/Ahmedabad
Web address (URL)https://unrulycities.wordpress.com/
Publication dates

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