Blood and Bones

Corby, T. 2014. Blood and Bones. Tom Corby.

TitleBlood and Bones
CreatorsCorby, T.

An on-going artwork constituting a platform for the publication of data produced by serious illness through time. Bodies in pain undergoing change and bodies that malfunction, produce huge amounts of medical data, which connect to other medical, financial, biological and affective systems. In part following Sontag’s call ‘against metaphor’ this project seeks to map these flows as a means to develop alternative ways of representing illness beyond normative narrative tropes, e.g. metaphors of struggle, achieved wisdom from trauma, etc.

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Corby, T. 2011. Systemness: towards a data aesthetics of climate change. in: Marsching, J.D. and Polli, A. (ed.) Far field: digital culture, climate change and the Poles Intellect. pp. 237-250

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Corby, T. 2008. Landscapes of feeling arenas of action: information visualisation as art practice. Leonardo: Art Science and Technology. 41 (5), pp. 460-467.

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Corby, T. and Baily, G. 2007. Cyclone.soc: an interactive artwork visualizing Internet newsgroup postings as cyclonic weather conditions. Journal of Visualization. 10 (4), p. 339.

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Corby, T. 2006. CYCLONE.SOC. Ars Electronica Centre, Linz 05 - 11 Sep 2006

Reconnoitre (release 2)
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Corby, T. and Baily, G. 2005. Mesh. Media art festival, São Paulo Sep 2005

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Corby, T. 2005. System poetics and software refuseniks. in: Corby, T. (ed.) Network art: practices and positions London, UK Routledge.

Corby, T. 2005. Introduction. in: Corby, T. (ed.) Network art: practices and positions London, UK Routledge.

Gameboy UltraF_uk
Corby, T., Barreto, R. and Perissinotto, P. 2004. Gameboy UltraF_uk. Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 05 Feb - 24 Feb 2002

Corby, T. 2002. Loop_Reprise. The Machida Museum of Arts, Tokyo 25 Nov 2001 - 25 Jan 2002

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