Moving experiences: media effects and beyond. 2nd edition

Gauntlett, D. 2002. Moving experiences: media effects and beyond. 2nd edition. Eastleigh, UK John Libbey.

TitleMoving experiences: media effects and beyond. 2nd edition
AuthorsGauntlett, D.
PublisherJohn Libbey
Publication dates
Place of publicationEastleigh, UK

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Gauntlett, D. 2000. The worrying influence of "media effects" studies. in: Barker, M. and Petley, J. (ed.) Ill effects: the media/violence debate. 2nd edition London, UK Routledge. pp. 47-62

Digital sexualities: a guide to internet resources
Gauntlett, D. 1999. Digital sexualities: a guide to internet resources. Sexualities. 2 (3), pp. 327-332.

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Gauntlett, D. 1999. Losing sight of the ball? Children, media and the global environment in a video research project. in: Ralph, S., Langham Brown, J. and Lees, T. (ed.) Youth and the global media: papers from the 29th University of Manchester broadcasting symposium Luton University of Luton Press.

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Ten things wrong with the “effects” model
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Gauntlett, D. 1997. Video critical: children, the environment and media power. John Libbey Media.

Introduction: Why no clear answers on media effects?
Gauntlett, D. 1997. Introduction: Why no clear answers on media effects? in: Charlton, T. and David, K. (ed.) Elusive links: television, video games, cinema and children’s behaviour London Park Published Papers.

Another crisis for media studies
Gauntlett, D. 1997. Another crisis for media studies. In The Picture: media education magazine. 31.

Screening the evidence
Gauntlett, D. 1995. Screening the evidence. Times Educational Supplement.

Moving experiences: understanding television's influences and effects
Gauntlett, D. 1995. Moving experiences: understanding television's influences and effects. John Libbey Media.

‘Full of very different people all mixed up together’: understanding community and environment through the classroom video project
Gauntlett, D. 1995. ‘Full of very different people all mixed up together’: understanding community and environment through the classroom video project. Primary Teaching Studies. 9 (1), pp. 8-13.

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Gauntlett, D. 1995. Broadcast concerns: a report on Broadcasting Standards Council complainants, based on a study of complaints received over an 18 month period. London Broadcasting Standards Council.

Calling all couch potatoes
Gauntlett, D. 1994. Calling all couch potatoes. Times Higher Education.

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