Book review: Regulating Dispute Resolution. ADR and Access to Justice at the Crossroads. Felix Steffek and Hannes Unberath (eds) in coop. with Hazel Genn, Reinhard Greger and Carrie Menkel-Meadow. Oxford & Portland, Ore: Hart 2013
Creutzfeldt, N. 2016. Book review: Regulating Dispute Resolution. ADR and Access to Justice at the Crossroads. Felix Steffek and Hannes Unberath (eds) in coop. with Hazel Genn, Reinhard Greger and Carrie Menkel-Meadow. Oxford & Portland, Ore: Hart 2013. Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht = The Rabel Journal of Comparative and International Private Law . 80 (3), pp. 709-712.