Strengthening economic linkages between Leeds and Manchester: Feasibility and implications

Overman, H.G., Gibbons, S., D'Costa, S., Mion, G., Pelkonen, P., Resende, G. and Thomas, M. 2009. Strengthening economic linkages between Leeds and Manchester: Feasibility and implications. Newcastle upon Tyne The Northern Way.

TitleStrengthening economic linkages between Leeds and Manchester: Feasibility and implications
AuthorsOverman, H.G., Gibbons, S., D'Costa, S., Mion, G., Pelkonen, P., Resende, G. and Thomas, M.
TypeProject report

SERC report for the Northern Way

PublisherThe Northern Way
Place of publicationNewcastle upon Tyne
Publication dates
Web address (URL)

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