Within the Cimeras: Spaces of Imagination

Spankie, R. 2019. Within the Cimeras: Spaces of Imagination. in: Psarra, S. (ed.) The Production Sites of Architecture Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.

Chapter titleWithin the Cimeras: Spaces of Imagination
AuthorsSpankie, R.
EditorsPsarra, S.

The volume provides 10 critical essays, by leading experts and academics from the UK, Australia, USA, and Europe. The essays present various intellectual positions and subtopics of interest in relation to the ways in which architects manipulate meaning through their arrangement of spaces, collections of objects, writings and creative intersections with other disciplines or domains of knowledge such as biology, archaeology, history of architecture or literature. The underlying preoccupation of the authors of the essays pays attention to the construction of meaning through mediated practices, intersections with knowledge from other media, symbolic expression, powers and strategies of representation. Together the essays unravel two crucial ideas regarding how architecture produces knowledge and articulates meaning: architecture as integrating physical sites of spatial practice and virtual sites formed through representation, imagination and the mind; second, architecture as individual instance of creativity and architecture as collective production manifested in wider areas of knowledge and culture. Coming together in one volume, the essays expand architecture along these two crucial axes: actual and possible sites; individual and collective modes of production.

Book titleThe Production Sites of Architecture
Publication dates
Published in print29 Jan 2019
Place of publicationAbingdon, Oxon
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)https://doi.org/10.4324/9780203712702

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