Difficulties in Writing the Truth

Stevens, S. and Orlow, U. 2011. Difficulties in Writing the Truth. in: Leaver-Yap, I. (ed.) 8 Metaphors London Lux Productions.

Chapter titleDifficulties in Writing the Truth
AuthorsStevens, S. and Orlow, U.
EditorsLeaver-Yap, I.

8 Metaphors presents the moving image practice of 8 artists, and interrogates their decision to write, commission and edit a book that encapsulates their work. Their contributions – which include texts, interviews, scripts and scores – are a series of metaphors for the making of work, and making meaning.

KeywordsArtists Film, Politics
Book title8 Metaphors
PublisherLux Productions
Publication dates
Published10 Jun 2011
Place of publicationLondon

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