Bass Culture 70/50

Riley, M. 2018. Bass Culture 70/50. Ambika P3 25 Oct - 22 Nov 2018

CreatorsRiley, M.
CollaboratorsAdrian Boot (Photographer), Fully Focussed and Standard8 (Designer)

A multi-media experience of photography, painting, music, and film,

Year25 Oct 2018
FunderAHRC (Arts & Humanities Research Council)
Web address (URL)
Image creditBass Culture Expo/ Adrian Boot
Media typeImage

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Bass Culture film
Riley, M. and Fully Focused 2019. Bass Culture film.
Riley, M. 2017. Westminster School of Arts - DCDI.

Bass Culture: an alternative sound track to Britishness
Riley, M. 2014. Bass Culture: an alternative sound track to Britishness. in: Stratton, J. and Zuberi, N. (ed.) Black Popular Music in Britain since 1945 Farnham Ashgate. pp. 101-114

Ticket Master State of Play Grime Report
Riley, M. 2017. Ticket Master State of Play Grime Report. Online Ticket Master.

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Riley, M. 2021. Jazz Jamaica All Stars: The Trojan Story - Live Event. Royal Festival Hall, London

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283 total views
233 total downloads
These values cover views and downloads from WestminsterResearch and are for the period from September 2nd 2018, when this repository was created.