Ophelia's Last Supper

Stehlikova, T. 2018. Ophelia's Last Supper.

TitleOphelia's Last Supper
CreatorsStehlikova, T.

The film inspired by Millais' famous painting and explores a reoccurring theme in my work: embodiment and multi-sensory aesthetic in moving image, as well as transformation of the act of eating into a kind of internal journey, where the fluid boundaries between our interior and exterior worlds, which our senses mediate between, become dissolved. Another source of inspiration is the Futurist Cookbook by FT Marinetti. Ever since reading it I became intrigued by the potential of using food and ingestion as a medium of subversion and play, fuelled by imagination. In this film Ophelia slowly merges with the element of water, ingesting the landscape that will later ingest her. The act of beautification, by definition surface is, through ingestion, internalised, while the interior becomes exposed." Tereza Stehlikova

Year04 Oct 2018

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Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/qqwzy/ophelia-s-last-supper

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These values cover views and downloads from WestminsterResearch and are for the period from September 2nd 2018, when this repository was created.