Korvapuusti / A Slap on the Ear

Charrington, H. 2018. Korvapuusti / A Slap on the Ear. in: Kjisik, Hennu, Nyholm, Charlotte and de Vocht, Sofia (ed.) Donitseista muffineiksi / Doughnuts to Muffins Helsinki Rakennustieto Oy. pp. 128-139

Chapter titleKorvapuusti / A Slap on the Ear
AuthorsCharrington, H.
EditorsKjisik, Hennu
Nyholm, Charlotte
de Vocht, Sofia

Appreciation of city centres has steadily grown in the last 30 years, as both participative place, and vicariously, as participative idea. Nonetheless, while this status of the city centre is now conventional wisdom, within current urban design and planning it is mainly reduced to 'cookie cutter' or 'potato-print' block plans that diagrammatically recall the traditional city. Simplisitic patterns that mask the commodification of the city which continues apace, paying lip-service to its previous formal attributes, but not to its content and processes.
This chapters argues that urbanists' and designers' priorities should lie in a professional agency that reclaims the city through embodying the ambiguous and complex values of the city in the design of resilient – that is to say, durable and embodying character – places, as well as in shifting attention from the creation of new regulated urban areas to interventions in, and the retrofitting of, existing ones.

KeywordsUrban Planning, Urban Design, Architectural History and Theory
Book titleDonitseista muffineiksi / Doughnuts to Muffins
Page range128-139
PublisherRakennustieto Oy
Publication dates
PublishedOct 2018
Place of publicationHelsinki

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