Early Organic; Gut Gurkau Farm; New Organic; Säynätsalo Town Hall; Sea Ranch; Parallel Modernisms; Taliesin West; Cente for Development Studies, Trivandrum

Charrington, H. 2014. Early Organic; Gut Gurkau Farm; New Organic; Säynätsalo Town Hall; Sea Ranch; Parallel Modernisms; Taliesin West; Cente for Development Studies, Trivandrum . in: Jones, D. (ed.) Architecture: the whole story New York Prestel. pp. 364-65, 366-67, 408-09, 410-11, 414-15, 444-46, 448-49, 450-51

Chapter titleEarly Organic; Gut Gurkau Farm; New Organic; Säynätsalo Town Hall; Sea Ranch; Parallel Modernisms; Taliesin West; Cente for Development Studies, Trivandrum
AuthorsCharrington, H.
EditorsJones, D.

Brief history of early 20thC organic architecture, post WW2 organic modernism, alternative and counter-cultures, modernism in developing countries

KeywordsOrganic, Expressionism, Modernism, Critical Regionalism, Counter-Culture
Book titleArchitecture: the whole story
Page range364-65, 366-67, 408-09, 410-11, 414-15, 444-46, 448-49, 450-51
Publication dates
Published22 Aug 2014
Place of publicationNew York

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