Radiant Eye

Fry, C. 2019. Radiant Eye .

TitleRadiant Eye
CreatorsFry, C.

This video explores an alternative to current approaches to VR which are underpinned by our understanding of optics. In ancient Greece vision was explained by rays of light emanating from the eyes and touching objects. This work explores what this 'extramissonary' VR might look like by producing a drawing of an ancient oil lamp, objects which were believed had the capacity for sight since they also emit light just as the eye was believed to. The drawing was produced by scanning it with a Kinect sensor and custom software which produced a screen recording showing a black and white image as the scanner is moved across the oil lamp. The Kinect sensor does this by sending out infrared light which bounces off the object, returning to the sensor and a computer where it is turned into a black and white image reminiscent of ink drawings. This is the same process that is used in 3D scanning and the creation of point clouds and other 3D images. It also closely resembles the extramissionary concept of vison, with beams of light going out from, in this case the sensor, and touching the objects before it.

Year01 Jun 2019
Image creditC.Fry
Media typeImage

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Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/qvqzv/radiant-eye

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