The tourism-development nexus in Southeast Asia: History and current issues

Dolezal, C. and Bui, H.T. 2020. The tourism-development nexus in Southeast Asia: History and current issues. in: Dolezal, C., Trupp, A. and Bui, H.T. (ed.) Tourism and development in Southeast Asia London Routledge.

Chapter titleThe tourism-development nexus in Southeast Asia: History and current issues
AuthorsDolezal, C. and Bui, H.T.
EditorsDolezal, C., Trupp, A. and Bui, H.T.

Without doubt, the concept of development has changed over time and, equally so, tourism has experienced a steady evolution. Development theory has seen manifold application to tourism (Andriotis, 2018; Mowforth & Munt,2016; Novelli, 2016; Scheyvens, 2002), particularly theories of modernisation, dependency, neoliberalism, alternative development, human development, and sustainable development. These have been applied to tourism in order tounderstand its complexities when used as an engine for development. However, an analysis is missing to date that not only relates tourism and development but puts this into a Southeast Asian context. This chapter thus reviews the history and current issues of tourism along with the evolution of development theories in the Southeast Asian context to ultimately understand how tourism in the region has been embracing various development paradigms.

sustainable development
alternative development
Southeast Asia
Book titleTourism and development in Southeast Asia
Publication dates
Published24 Mar 2020
Place of publicationLondon
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

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