The translaborative case for a translational hermeneutics

Alfer, A. 2020. The translaborative case for a translational hermeneutics. Target. 32 (2), pp. 261-281.

TitleThe translaborative case for a translational hermeneutics
TypeJournal article
AuthorsAlfer, A.

This paper takes the notion of translaboration as a stepping stone for an exploration of translational hermeneutics. It aims to expand translaboration’s focus beyond collaborations between multiple translators, or authors and translators, and
theorises translaboration as a means of framing textual agents reading and writing each other within texts. The argument draws on Hans-Georg Gadamer’s and Paul Ricoeur’s conceptions of the interpretative agent, and of translation as an object of philosophical enquiry, and adopts a “hermeneutics of decipherment” (Maitland 2017, 38) as an alternative to dialogic models of understanding and translating. Similarly, the relationship between philosophical and translational hermeneutics is interrogated and recast as a translaborative endeavour rather than as an immediately reciprocal dialogue. Translaboration thus also furthers the move away from what Blumczynski (2016, 29) calls “an arborescent epistemological paradigm” of interdisciplinarity and animates a transdisciplinarity that is fundamentally “rhizomatic” (ibid.; see Deleuze and Guattari 2004) in nature.

Journal citation32 (2), pp. 261-281
PublisherJohn Benjamins
Accepted author manuscript
File Access Level
Open (open metadata and files)
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Publication dates
Published online08 Jul 2020
Published in print11 Sep 2020

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