English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education in the Countries of the South Caucasus

Linn, A. and Radjabzade, S. 2021. English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education in the Countries of the South Caucasus. London British Council.

TitleEnglish-Medium Instruction in Higher Education in the Countries of the South Caucasus
AuthorsLinn, A. and Radjabzade, S.
TypeProject report

This is the principal report from a project contracted to the British Council to explore the experience of English-medium education in the universities of the South Caucasus and to propose policy measures to be taken by the ministries of education in those three countries. A section on English-medium instruction in general is followed by sections on education and language in the three countries, an explanation of the research and the methods used and then sections on the student experience and on the staff and institutional experiences. The work is based on site visits, focus groups, interviews and a large-scale online survey.

KeywordsEnglish-medium education, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, higher education
PublisherBritish Council
Place of publicationLondon
Publication dates
Page range1-69
FunderBritish Council
Web address (URL)https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/english-medium-instruction-higher-education-countries-south-caucasus

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