Our Business is Fun - ACE054.2

1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.2.

TitleOur Business is Fun - ACE054.2

Fred Fowle saying that he’d like someone younger to come into the business but doesn’t know if standards can be maintained. Designs on fairground rides. Panels from fairground rides. Fred Fowle drawing designs. Workshop of "F. G. Fowle Ltd., Artistic Decorators". Fowle’s VO saying they consider what the customer wants, produce scale sketches, and go from there; VO explains how the sketches are turned into a paper pattern which is perforated and transferred to a board by rubbing with a pounce bag; the colours are marked on the board; the boards are painted. Fowle and others painting in the workshop. Photographs of Fowle’s family, his VO talking about his background and childhood. Cigarette cards. VO continues about school, career options, etc., over him painting. Fowle talks about moving from being a boot repairer to working for a company producing lacquer furniture, and then to R J Lakin’s fun-fair factory at Streatham. Photograph of staff.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5923/our-business-is-fun-ace054-2

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.3.

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.4.

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.5.

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.6.

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.7.

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.8.

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