Our Business is Fun - ACE054.7

1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.7.

TitleOur Business is Fun - ACE054.7

Ride decorations. Fowle talks about sources of inspiration – cinema, comic books, etc. He discusses current designs which he feels are brighter but less interesting, though brightness does bring in more custom. Painting. Workshop interior. Fowle’s VO describes how Lakin’s managers took over different parts of the business, with Edwin Hall eventually doing all the children’s rides. Fowle painting; his VO says he regrets that he lost touch with Edwin when his brother left because of a family misunderstanding; he describes the shading he’s painting. Putting the finishing touches to a panel. Fowle’s VO says that machines were also designed at Lakin’s, so that they produced shapes to fit the designs; nowadays the designs have to fit shapes determined by the owners. Fowle talks about how Lakin’s were always looking for new ideas, and emphasises that the methods he learned while working for the company still provide the necessary quality today.

Web address (URL)https://player.bfi.org.uk/free

Permalink - https://westminsterresearch.westminster.ac.uk/item/v5928/our-business-is-fun-ace054-7

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.2.

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.3.

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.4.

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.5.

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.6.

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1975. Our Business is Fun - ACE054.8.

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